Cement, Energy and Environment

Kiln-1 Productivity Enhancement from 3000 TPD to 4500 TPD with Low Cost Technological Innovations P L Mehta Sr. VP (Works), A K Bartaria VP (Prod & QC), B B Wadhavan VP (Engg.) and Rajpa/ Singh Dy.GM (Process) JK Lakshmi Cement Ltd. , Sirohi, Rajasthan Abstract In order to sustain its operation in the market it is essential for anybody to cut down cost and at the same time increase in the capacity. Going for a new green-field plant being an expensive proposition, the only alternative left is to sweat out the assets by brown fielding in the existing plant and to utilize the available equipments to their full potential, adding equipments only wherever required for balancing the capacity. Thus optimum utilization of existing manpower resources and machinery, infrastructure and colony etc. has helped cut down the project cost considerably and minimize the capex. In house technical studies followed by deep deliberations have been carried out & the major bottlenecks were as below: • Without TA duct, it is not feasible to increase % firing in calciner for complete combustion. • The biggest bottleneck is Precalciner which is not sufficient to provide much needed retention time to burn petcoke. Gas velocity through ILC duct is quite high. • Cyclone ascending velocity being too high will pose higher draft and heat loss to some extent at increased production. • Description of the Project: JKLC had stated its journey with kiln-1 in 1982 with a capacity of 1500 tpd . Kiln was equipped with 04 stage si ngle Pre-heater & conventional grate cooler but it became redundant post 1995 because of low efficiency parameters. Revitalization of Kiln- 1 was carried out in 2008-2009 for 2500 TPD with the installation of six stage single PH along with new generation IKN cooler. After successful installation of pre heater, JKLC comes out to be a first company in Indian cement sector, who carried out these modifications @ around Rs 1850 /mt against the prevailing capacity addition cost around Rs 7000 /mt. During last four to five years, lot of innovative projects has been carried out that resulted into productivity as well as efficiency improvements. The clinker production capacity was 3000 tpd when the idea was conceived. The Indian cement sector is expected to witness positive growth in coming years, with demand set to increase at compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 8 per cent during 2013-14 to 2015-16, according to RNCOS report titled, 'Indian Cement Industry Outlook 2016'.The domestic cement consumption is expected to increase at a CAGR of 10.2 per cent during FY11- Due to high entry and exit velocities overall pressure drop for system is going to be very 17 and reach 398 million tones. high and capacity of exhaust Fan may limit the • production, besides incurring high power consumption. In short, we can say that there were two major issues- High pressure drop across PH & inproper combustion in pre-calciner for this expansion. An Enthustic & energetic team took it a challenge it self without hiring any out side agency. ,-------=oo:-:: · =M--=e=s=y=•=c,--c=-:.;o""N~s""u,...,.....M=P=T=I=o'"'N~....,c=A=-::;G=R:--;ol-..0,--..2..,.,--o/c,....o----, , ·r /L .~,[ ,[ fl 3L y 398MT 359 MT 324 .MT 293MT 265 MT 242 MT 222 MT