Cement, Energy and Environment

2.3 Suggestions & Recommendations a. CO content at kiln inlet should be less than 1000 ppm (0.1 %) whereas 0 2 content should not be less than 2 % for efficient combustion of coal inside the kiln. b. The preheater exit gas temperature should preferably be maintained below 330 °C for 5 stage preheater. c. The silo feeding extraction mechanism needed modification for reducing the existing LSF variation of 110-119 for kiln feed to a suitable level so as to restrict the va riation within ± 2. d . The kiln burner should be operated with a flame momentum of 1600 %m/sec which will improve fuel combustion in kiln thereby reducing delayed combustion in kiln besides reducing the free lime in the clinker. e. Tertiary air damper should be adjusted to draw more air in kiln than existing cond ition to get sufficient air in kiln for avoiding reducing condition f. Cooling fans A&B which are damper controlled With damper opening of 40% & 60% respectively of grate-1 should be operated at 100 % damper opening for getting sufficient secondary air for combustion in the kiln. 3.0 RESULTS ACHIEVED:- The plant could achieve production more than the rated capacity with improvement in product quality and reduced incidence of ring formation. It would eliminate water spray in cooler thus saving precious water for the posterity. There was a phenomenal saving of thermal energy to the tune of 80 Kcal/kg clinker. 4.0 CONCLUSION Kiln optimization is a potential tool and can be exploited effectively by Indian cement Industry in achieving its PAT targets. This is amply demonstrated through the above case study. Plant cou ld achieve increase in production from 2900 tpd to above 3200 tpd with saving in thermal energy of more than 80 Kcal/kg clinker besides improving the clinker quality after implementing NCB recommendations without any capital expenditu re. I I . ' f_,..... J I I f ! l I '------ - ---'1 .... . J ... --&-··~ttc.~~~ t of Kiln System Fig 1 Operatmg Parame ers