Cement Energy and Environment
7. Conclusion AFR Utilization and co processing in cement industry has become the need of hour. Cement plants are dedicated to replace more and more non-renewable fuel by alternative fuel and hazardous waste. Detailed study of physical and chemical properties of AFR and its impact on cement manufacturing process and quality is a must before using it. Use of alternative fuels and raw materials also helps in achieving tough PAT targets in PAT cycle-11. ••••• Have long lite ot 30- 40 yeara with proper quality control Require very low maintenance Load carriers plying on CC Roads sllve up to 14 per cent fuel Do not get damaged by heavy rainfall or high temperatures Invariably cheaper than bitumen roads In llfe·cyde cost. Non·pollutlng and us er friendly Competitive even on initial cost basis Being lighter in colour require lower illumination Rate of Increase of ambient temperature Is r·educed by adopting Cement Conc rete ROllds Good riding quality Concrete Roads Recently Constructed Mumbal City Roads - 650 km. Further construction In progress Golden Quadrilateral (NHDP)- 1850 km East-West Corridor (NHDP)- 1000 km - under construction Nagpur, Pune, Thane, Kalyan, Naslk , Atlgarh, Gurgaon, Bengaluru, Chennal. Hyderabad, Vlshakhapatnam, Shfmoga, Delhi, Indore, Rafpur, Ahmedabad, Jamnagar, Haldfa etc.-City Roads Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh , Karnataka, Odlsha and Haryana· Internal Rural Roads- 5500 km, 3500 km, 1200 km, 2200 km, 18,000 km, 4100 km, 16600 km, 1000 km respectively Work of construction of more internal rural roads in these stat.es as well as in other states is ll'l progress Bengaluru-Mysore Byepass road (NICE road)- 10 km. • 2x3 lane white-topping 165 km-8 lane Greater Nofda-Agra (Yamuna Expressway) Najafgarh·Dhasa road by Mu nicipal Corporation of Deihl. 13 km. 4 lane Najafgarh-Nanglol road by Deihl PWO • 8 km • 4-lane Sewa Dham road by Oelhi-PWD • 7 km • 2 lane Okhla Phase-11, Rohlnl, NOMC Colony roads and approach road to Signature Bridge ov er Yamuna River In Deihl- length 85 km . equivalent 2 lane are i n progress Mukarba Chowk to Wazfrabad- 10 km- 6-lane under construction by Delhi PWO 48 km o l road stretches In three d istricts of Lakhlmpur Kherf, Slddharth Nagar, and Mahar~ GanJ In Uttar Pradesh under construction National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) have recently awarded construction of 6 National Highways Project$ having approx. length 400 km, In cement concrete In the State of Haryana, Madhya Prad esh and Tamil Nad u Further, about 20 National Highways Projects having approx. length 1800 km ar>e under process of b idding and expected to be awarded by the end of this FY New Technologies for Cement Concrete Roads Concrete overlays (white topping) on existing bituminous roads • Technology Demonstration Projects of White Topping have been successfully completed at Bengafuru, Jalpur and Chennal Continuously Reinforced Cement Concrete Pavement (CRCP) Ffbre-relnforeed Cement Concrete Pavement (FRCP) High Volume Ffyash Cement Concrete Pavement (HVFC) Precast Prestressed Concrete Pllvement Precast RCC Pavement Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement (ICBP) Roller Compacted Concrete Pavement (RCCP) Cell-filled Concrete Pav ement Cement Manufacturers' Association CMA Tower, A-2E, Sector - 24, Noida - 201 301 (U. P.), India Tel: 91 12 0 2411955/ 57/ 58 Fax: 911202411956 E-mail : cmand@cmaindia.org Website: www.cmaindia.org 10
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