Cement, Energy and Environment

-2- the proposed project, the pollutant<> of concem in the area would ah;o b~ kept in view. Assessment of pcrlormance of common fctcilities such as CF.TP ; TSDF, etc. if proposed to he utilized should also be included as part of due diligence; (iii) In addition to monitoring by the regional office concemed, third party monitoring by a reputed ~gency at a frequency to be specified by tbc EAC would be necessary: (i v) The implementation of action plan of each of these eight CPAs to bl: joint! y revie\vecl by the CPCB and SPCB on quarterly basb and report ~nt to MoEf hy the ih day of rhe mo11th succeeding the end of quarter. 4. CPCI3 is di rected to get the rc-assc·ssmenl of CEPI score done in all 43 CP.A.s, including these 8 CPA~. within a period of one year and report the outcome to the rvlinistry. Tht:: re– assessment of CEPI score should take into account all constituents of the index as ori£.!inallv - - totmulated in /..009. Also, CPCB shotdd properly dcmarcalt! each of these 43 CPAs by physical verification and clearly state the latitude, longi tude, name of cities and village::; and survey numbers (in case of part city and I or village) w.r.t. these areas. • 5. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority. 1<N""'l'1 (S.<..~. Garkoti) ~ Director To I. All the Officers ofJA Division 2. Chairpersons T Memher Secretaries of all the SElAAs/SEAC::; 3. Chairman, CPCB 4. Chairpersons/Member Secretaries of all SPCBs /UTPCCs. Copy to : I. PS to M.Cr 2. PPS to Secretary (E&F) 3. PPS to AS(SS) 4. PPS to JS (.AT) 5. Website, MoEF 6. Guard File 75