Cement, Energy and Environment

No. J-11013:5/20 10-IA.I I(I) Government of lndil'l Minist ry ofF.nvirorun~nt & rort:sls Otlicc Mcm<l'randum Parvavamu 1:3havan. - C.G.O. Complex, l.odi Road. . ;..Jew Ddhi-11 0003 Telefax: 24360171 Dated the 10 111 June ) 014 S ub : Con~idcratlon of projects for environmental clear:mrc ha$ed on Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Index (t,EPI) - Re~imposing of Morator·ium in 1·espect of critically polluted areas namely Ghaziabad (UP), Indore (M.P.), Jharsuguda (Orissa), Ludhiana (Punjab), Panipat (Hat')·nna), Patanchcru - Rolhu·am (A.P.), Si ngraulli (UP & MP) and Vnpi (Gujar·at), a nd p1·ojcct s I acti\'ities to b~ allowed in Critica lly Polluted Areas under moratorium - Regarding keeping in abeyance OM da ted l 7 111 Septembt:r, 2013 w.r.t. r e-impos ition of moratorium in aforesaid eight cri tically polluted areas. Ministry of Environment & Forests vide Office Memorandum of even no. dated 17.09.2013 had inra alia re- imposed mor<Jlorium uutil further on.lers on consideration of projects for envi ronmental clearance in eight critically po lluted areas (CPAs) as stared in the su~jcd above. '2. \Vhi le re-imposing the moratorium i n e ight CPAs vide aforesaid OM dated !7.09.20 13. CPCH wns a lso directed that the enti re CEPT st udy. paniclllarly in area.<> where the moratorium has bee n rc:: -imposed be revi ewed and re -assessed after a period of four months. The report with resp..:~.: t to rlt ~.· ent ire CEP I coucept i.e. taki11g into act:ount all cousLitucnls as original ly formulated in 2009. is yer to he received from CPCB. It is fe lt that re-assessment of CEPI taking iuto acco unt all its cousLituents as originaJiy formulated in 2009 is a mus t before taking a view on rc-impos1tion of moratorium in any CPA. 1. ll ha<:;. therefore. hccn decided to keep in abeynncc ullti l furt her orders the aforesaiJ O.M. unt~d 17' 11 Sepkmber, 20 13 to the extent it related to th e re-imposi tion of moratoritun in eight CP,"s til l CPCB re-nssesses the CF.PI taf.; ing into account nil constituents of index ns originally '-·nvisage<.l in 2009, subject to Lhe fo llowing stipulat i ons: ~ (r) All proj ~:..:.ts req u iri11g EC itt tltesc a reas '"·ill be considered only hy Moht-·, iii I At the stage of TORs, the EAC concernetl woultl. in such cases. spell out the uu~ diligence required in term:> of asscssmenr of baseline cond ition" of ambient mr. '""'H.:r bodit:s. etc. as applicable and provide guidalll:e on 111011itoriug locations. parameters. etc. In doing so. in addi tion to polllttants to bt' dtscharged ! crn itLcJ by . . .comd.2' - 74 ) ' • I