Cement, Energy and Environment

I I •• "S(a) (v) in item 4(d), in column (3}, for t he entry, the following entry shall be s ubstituted, namely:– "~300 TPD production capacity if a unit located outside the notified indus trial areal estate."; (vi) in item 4(l), in column (2), for the e ntry, the following e n try shall be substituted, namely:– "Skinlhide processing including tanning industry." ; (vii) for item S(a) and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries sbaiJ be substituted, namely:- · Chemical All • All Single Super General condition shall apply. proJects fertilizers including all single Phosphate without super phosphate H2SO• production Granulation of single super with H2S04 and granulation of phosphate powder is exempt."; production except chemical fertilizers. granulation of chemical fertilizers . . (viii) in item 5(e):- (a) in column (2), for the entry, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:- "Petroleum products and petrochemical based processing such as production of carbon black and electrode grade graphite (processes other than cracking and reformation and not covered under the complexes)."; · (b) in column (5), for the entry, the following entry shall be substituted, namely:- "General as well as specific condition shall apply. "'-· ~ "~ ...- ..cac•'!!.-!-,.... or-.... .J.......... s:.,..... _ - .... 1.. _...,___,.._,, ....... 1·,.. "'"""'m-• u . .!'"tV4.·\,jO• '"Ul.UUJ. ~u.&Ul!S 1 fJlVUU"'W UVIIl }JVI]J.U.\.11 !Jlu..IU.""""'"' .;) '"'I\\,; l.itJ'-• J (ix) for item 5(f) and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall be substituted, namely:- " 5(1) Synthetic organtc Located outside the (i) Located an a General as well as specific chemicals industry notified industrial area/ notified industria condition shall apply. (dyes and dye estate except small units as areal estate. intennediates; bulk defined in column (5). Small units: with water drugs and intennediates (ii) Small units as consumption <25m 1 /day, fuel excluding drug defined in column (5). consumption <25TPD and fonnulations; synthetic not covered in the category of rubbers; basic organic MAH units as per the chemicals, other Management, Storage and synthetic . Import of Hazardous organ1c chemicals and chemical Chemical Rules, 1989."; intennediates) (x) for item 5(g) and the entries relating thereto, the following item and entries shall be substituted, namely:- "5(g) Distilleries (i) All Molasses based Non-molasses based General condition shall distilleries distilleries - apply."; (ii) Non-molasses based <()0 KLD distilleries > 60KLD (xi) for item 5(1) and the entr ies relating thereto, the following item and entries shall be substituted, namely:- .. - "S(i) Pulp and paper industry Pulp manufacturing Pulp manufacturing General condition shall apply and Pulp and Paper from waste paper and Note: manufacturing paper manufacturing Paper manufacturing from industry except from waste paper pulp waste paper pulp and ready from waste paper. and other ready pulp. pulp without deinking, bleaching and colouring IS ' exempt"· - II. After the Schedule, in the Note relating to General Conditioo(GC), the following General Condition sball be substituted, namely: - General Condition(GC): ' > ' 72