Cement, Energy and Environment

of the CMA Technical Committee also felt the need for adequate awareness of the scheme and as such asked CMA to coordinate and facilitate Awareness workshops for the Member Cement Plants to educate them on the online clearance systems. 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENHANCED USAGE OF ALTERNATE FUELS AND RAW MATERIALS IN CEMENT INDUSTRY Based on the tremendous responses (both domestic and international) to the 1st International Conference on the subject jointly organised by CMA and liP (Institute of Industrial Productivity, Washington D.C.) held at Hotel Le Meridian, New Delhi, on 7-8 August 2013, and the feedback received on successful completion of the conference, this year too, CMA in cooperation with liP, have decided to organize the "Second Internati onal Conference on Enhanced Usage of Alternate Fuels in Cement Plants" on 19-20 February 2015 at the same venue. The conference is broadly expected to address the various environmental issues which still continue to come in the way of increasing TSR (Thermal Substitution Rate)%, sharing the Global experiences and perspectives, leveraging CSR initiatives now legally recognised and available for increased efforts in processing of Municipal Wastes, besides a few case Studies on the success of various Alternative fuel usages in cement plants. To facilitate the Cement Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers dealing with Alternate Fuels related systems to share the detailed features of their products with the participants, on the sidelines of the Conference, Technical Exhibitions will also be held. An Advisory Committee (with Shri S KWali, Wholetime Director, J K Lakshmi Cement & Chairman-CMA Technical Committee, as the Chairman) has also been constituted to advise on the overall conduct of the Conference, Industry identification, finalization of various Technical sessions, Resource persons, and dignitaries, etc. Members have been requested to inform as many stakeholders as possible, and encourage CMA through sponsorship, participation, and advertisements in the conference publication(s) etc. CMA also takes this opportunity to invite all the stakeho lders from the Cement Industry, Cement Plants, Research Institutions, NGOs and Academia engaged with the subject, also the concerned Equipment Manufacturers & Suppliers in the field from India and abroad to actively participate in the Conference. Due to limited seats, we also request you to book your seat/ space etc. ea rly by registering on the Conference Website: www.cmaindia.org . Lighting of Lamp by Chief Guest - Shri B.K. Chaturvedi, Shri Saurabh Chandra, Shri M.A.M.R. Muthiah, Dr. Jigar Shah and Mr. Philippe Fonta, at the Inaugural of 1sr CMA-IIP International Conference on Enhanced usage of Alternate Fuels & Raw Materials (AFR) -Co-Processing in Cement Plants on 71' August 2013, New Delhi