Cement, Energy and Environment

•• NOTIFICATION New Delhi , the 25th June, 2014 S.?. 1599(E).-Jn ~xercise of the powers conferred by Sub-section ( 1) and c lause (v) of Sub-section (2) ~f Section 3 of the. Environment (Protection) Act, 1986(29 of 1986) read with sub-rule( 4) f 1 5 f h Envtronment (Protection) Rules, 1986 the Central Government h b ak th f< 0 r~ e 0 1 e amendments to the notification of the Government of India in th Mer~ _Ytrym feEs . e ollowmg further b S 0 1533(E) th ' e m1s o nv1ronment and Forests num er · · , dated the 14 September, 2006 after having di s enscd with h . · · under c lause (a) of sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the said rule, in public inter~st, namely-: e rcqutremcnt of notice I. In the said notification , in the Schedule,- . · (i) for Item l (c) und the entries relating thereto, the foUowing item a.nd entries sha ll be substituted, namely:- " l (c) (i) River (i)· > 50 MW (i)_s 50 MW > 25 General condition shall apply. - Valley hydroelectric power hydroelectric power Note:- • proJects generation; generation; Category 'B' river valley projects falling in more than one state shall be apprais~d at the central • (ii) Irrigation (ii) 2: I 0,000 ha. of (ii) < I 0,000 ha. > 2000 Government Level.."; projects culturable command ha. of culturable area. . command area. . (ii) for Item l (d) a nd the ent ries r elating thereto, t he following item and entries shaU be substituted, namely:- "1(d) Thermal Power Plants ~ 500 MW (coalllignite/naphta and gas based); ~ 50MW to <500 MW (coal/ lignite! naphta and gas based); ~ 50 MW (all other < 50 MW and ~5MW I Fuol<- Avi"'Af"'t h in,-.,~~r\ I (a;ll nth,-r fo,alc l'vr.-nt ..__ ... _,,._._,.. . .., .-.---...-.., . , - · · _.............--·- · ·· · -r· <: 20MW (using municipal solid non hazardous waste, ns fuel) . biomass and municipal solid non hazardous waste). <20MW>l5MW (using municipal solid non hazardous waste, as fuel). ~ 15 MW plants based on biomass fue l. General condition shall apply Note:- (i) Thermal Power I olants uo to 15 MW based I on bi~mass or non l hazardous municipal solid waste using auxiliary fuel such as coal, lignite! petroleum products upto I 5% are exempt . (ii)Thermal power plants using waste heat boilers without any auxiliary fuel are exempt."; (iii) for item 2(b) and the entries relating thereto, tbe following Item and entries shall be substituted, namely:- "2 (b) Mineral beneficiation ~ O.S million TPA < 0.5 million TPA General condition shall apply throughput throughput (Mining proposal with mineral beneficiation shall be appraised together for grant of clearance)."; • • (iv) for Item 4(b) and the entries relating thereto, the following ttem and entries sball be subst•tuted, namely:- "4(b) (i)Coke oven plants ~2 .50,000 tonneslannum <2,50,000 and General condition shall <a5,000 tonnes/annum apply.'' ; (ii) Coaltar processmg All projects units - 71