Cement, Energy and Environment

THE GAZE' ITE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY (PART II -SEC. 3(ii)) • 5. To assist the Authority, Bihar, the Central Government. in consultation with the State Government of Bihar, hachy constiu.:te the State level Expert Appraisal Committee, Bihar (hereinafter referred to as SEAC) comprising of the following Chairm~ and Members, namely :- • ·-- - I. Prof Ashok Kumar Ghose Chairman Associate Professor, Department of Environment and Water Management, ~~College, Patna, Boring_ _l~oad , Patna 2. Prof Sunil Kumar Chaudhary Member Professor in Botany, University Department ofBontany, Tilka Manjhi, ' .), . . .. ·-.. I- Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur-812007 -- Or. Nupur Bose Member ~~ciate Professor, Department ofGeo~ph~. AN College, Patna, ' 4 I Shri Vijay Kumar Sinha 'Prasad - Bhavan", R. K. Path, Pirrnohani, Kadamkuan. Patna-800003 Member ' • . • • -- ... - .. --- Dr. Kamesh Kumar .. rofessor of Economics and Professor-In-charge ofMBA, A.N.Collegc, p B 2,ring Road, Patna, Pin- 800013 (, D r. Jitcndcr Singh R etired Vice Chancellor, • 1:3_R!J'; Behind Post Office L.B. Shastri Nagar Patna-800023 . .. • - Member Member : . I I 7 s p hri Sbatrunjay Kumar Singh -- Member ! ' rofessor of Botany, Department of Environment and Water M '!c'!~g~ment,_A. N. College, Patna X D r. Nityanand Singh Maurya --- cpanment of Civil Engineering, [) N . ~tiona( Institute ofTechnolog)::. Patna, Patna-800005 . lJ I 'rof. Chandan Bhar cpartment ofManagement Studies, ndian School of Mines, Dhanbad-826004. D I I 0 I )r. Ram Madhab Bhallacharjee - . - A 0 ssociate Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, Indian School ! ~-~nes, Dhanbad-826004 Jharkhand. c~ber Secretar_Y-, Bihar Stat!_Pollution Control Board. . ·- II M .. Member Member Member .. . Secretary - . • 6. The Chairman and Members of SEAC. Bihar shall hold office for a term of three years from the date of publication of this notification in the Official Gazette. 7. The SEAC, Bihar shall exercise such powers and follow such procedures as enumerated in the said Gazette not itication. X. The SEAC, Bihar shall function on the principle of collective responsibility a~d .the ~~~irman - ~hall endeavor to reach a consensus in each case, and if consensus cannot be reached, the view of the maJonty s a prevaJ . \1 . The State Government of Bihar shall notify an agene~ to a~t as Secretariat .for ~h:n~~~~~:~· !~:~ca~~t~~ SI.AC , Bihar and shall provide all financial and logistic support mcludmg accommodatiOn, r p lilc ilitic~ in respect of all its statutory functions. l 0 ·rhe 5 · 11 · g " 11 . 11 d dearness allowance to the Chairman and Member of the Authority, . 1 m 1Ce, travc mg a owance an . . · h h d 1 f h s Bihar and the Chairman and Members of SEAC,.Bihar shall be patd m accordance wtt t e concerne ru cs o I e tate (iovemment of Bihar. !No. J- 11013/ 36 / 2008- IA-Tl (I)} AJAY TYAGI. Jt. Secy. 68 I I