Cement, Energy and Environment

• tf;;lt{t tio slo l@o - 33004/99 3ffiTUmJT EXTRAORDINARY ~ II~ 3~- (!)Us (ii) PART 11-Section 3-Sub-scction (ii) vrfucm -R o Cfi 1~1n PUBLJSHRD BY AUTHORITY RECiO. NO. D. L. -33004/99 - -- • ta 'fi. 1410) No. 1410) ~ R:ffil, liJISWRI<m, ~ 3, 2014 / 3Mii4 12 , 1936 NEW DELHI, THURSDAY,JULY 3,2014/ASIIADHA 12,1936 MINISTRY OF ENVIRONM F.NT AND FORESTS ~OTI F ICATION New Delhi. the 3rd Jul v. 2014 ' . ... , ·~ - · ..... , S.O. 1682(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3} of section 3 of the Environment (Protl'Ction) Act, 19116 (29 of 1986); and in pursuance of the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of l · nvironm~:nt and Forests. number S.O. 1533(E). dated the 14th September. 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the said Ciatctte Nutilicat ion), the Central Government hereby constitutes the State Level Environment Impact Assessment !\uthuruy (SEIAA) . Bihar (hereinafter referred to as the Authority. Bihar) compr ising of the following Members , namel~ :- I. 2 • J. Shri Prof. Ramesh Chandra Sinha Centre for F.nvironment and Nature Conservation, Department of Zoology, Patna University. Patna- 1100005 . Shri Prof. Rabindra Kumar Sinha 6, Professor Quarter, Patna Science College Campus, Patna-800005 Conservator of Forests-Cum-Additional Secretary. Environment and Forests Department. - Chuirman Member Member-Secretary ' The Chairman and non-official Member of the Authority shall hold offi ce for a t erm of three years from the date nf puhhcation of thts notification m the Official Gazette. 3 'l he Authorit}. Bihar shall exercise such powers and follow such procedures as enumerated in lhe said Gazettl notttical ion ·1. Ihe Authority. Bihar shall base its decision on the recommendations of the State level Expert Appraisal Committee (SEAC) constituted for the State of Bihar by this notificat ion. 67