Cement, Energy and Environment

-~ 16 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [PART II- SEC. J( ii)] -t Stnte len~[ Eco-st' nsith'e Zone ~ l on it o ring Committe('.- ( I ) The Central Government shall. for effective moni toring of the Ec<rsensitive Zone. consti tute a Commiuce to be called the State level Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Commiuee(SESZMC) for the St:ue of Odisha which shall comprise of.• (il Chief Secretary to the Government of Odisha- Chairman: (ii) Representative of the Ministry of Environment and Forests. Regional Office. Bhubaneswar-Membcr: (iii) Chief Consef\·ator of Forests-Territorial - Member: (iv) Representative from OdishaState Pollution Control Bo:trd-Member: (v) One representative of Non-Governmental Organisation nominated by the Government of Odisha - Member: workinn in the field of environment to be - (vi} Representative of Rural Management Department . Government of Odisha- Member: (vi ii ) Representati ve of Agriculture Departmcm. Government of Odi sha - Member: (ix l Representative of Urban Development and Housing Department. Government of Odisha - Membe r: (X) Concerned District Collectorfrom Dhenkanal nnd Cuttnck-Memller: t:~.il Concerned Divisional Forest Office r, Environment from Dhcnk:mal. Cuuack and Athagarh- Membcr: (x ii ) Director. Department of Environment- Member Secretary: (2) The acti,·itics specified in the Schedule to the notificati on of the Government of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests notification number S.O. 153:1( E). dated the 1 ~·h September. 2006 and are falling in the Ec<rsensitive Zone. except the prohibited activi ties speci fied under column(J) of the table inparagraph J.shall be scrutinised by the SESZMC based on the actual site-specific condi ti ons andreferrcd to the Central Government in the Minisuy of Environment nnd Forests for prior en,·ironmental clearances under the pro,·isions of the said notili cntion. (.1) The acti vities not covered in the Schedule to the notilication ot the Governnl<!nt of India in the Ministry of Environment and Forests notilicationnumhcr S.O. 1)."\.\t EI. dated the t4 1h Septcmber.2006and but arc falling in the Eco-sensitive Zone. except the prohibited activities spccilicd undt.!r column (3) of the table inparagraph 3,shall be scru tinised by the SESZMC based on the ac tual si te-specific condi tions and referred to the concerned Rt.! gulatory Au thorities. ( -! ) The Chairman or the Member Secretary of the SESZMC shall he the au thorized office rs to fi le complaints under section 19 of the Environment (Protection) Act. l986 (29 of 1986) against :my person who contravenes any of the provisions of thi s notification. t5) The SESZMC may invite representatives or e.xpens from concerned Departments. rcprcsc ~tatives from industl)' associat ions or concerned stnkeholders 10 assist in its dclihcrations dependmg on the reqmrements. t6) The SESZMC shall submit the annual action ta.ken report of it s nc tivities by the 31 ' 1 March of every year to the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests. 111 The Central Go,·l.!rnment in the Ministry of Environment and Forcs~l> ma~ giv~ such directions. as it deems fi t. to the SESZMC for the effecli,·e discharge of its functions under tht s noulicat1 on. - IF. No. 25/3/201-1-ESZ/RE] Dr. G. V. SUBRAMAI':YA~1. Sciemist ·o· 63