Cement, Energy and Environment

[\WI 11 - (90'5 ) (ii ) ] and river banks 22. Discharge of unt reated Yes effluents and solid wnste in natural water bodies or land an.:a. 23. Commercial Sl!l. n - boards - and hoardings. 2-l. Adoption of Green - technology for all activities 25. Vege tative fencing 26. Discharge of untreated Yes efnuents and solid waste in natural water bodies or land area. 27. Cottage industries including - - vi ll age artisans, etc. 28. Small scale industries not - causing pollution. 29. New wood based indus try. Yes 30. Collecti on of Forest - produce or Non-Timber Fores t Produce tNTFP). 31. Cons tmction activities Yes :12. Eco-tourism far i li 1 ics like - home stays. ropeways. kiosks. funicu lars. etc. :u. Security Forces Camp - . - - Yes - - Yes Yes - - - Yes Yes - - - Yes - - - Yes - Yes IS Shall be acti v.:ly promoted. Non-polluting. non- ha7A1rdous. small-scale and service incl ustry. agriculturc. floricultu re. horticultu re or agro- bascd industry producing produc ts from indigenous - goods which do not cause any adverse impact on cnvironm.:nt. No establishment of new wood based industry shall be pcrmiucd within Eco- sensit ive Zone. No new constmction of any ki nd shall be nllowed within the Eco-sensitive Zone.except for the purposes of domestic needs of locnl residents and for . th..: acti viti es li sted at ucrn ' ?6 27 1? and numbers I I. - · · · - 3J: Providl!d that in Lhc 7asc or activities listed at tt~m mbcr .,6 the construc tion nu - . ac tivity shall be allowed at the mini rnu Ill. 62 (.( \ __.;