Cement, Energy and Environment

• I I I I [ I j I I l I • out efforts to apprise the Authorities in the New Government of the contentions issues facing the Industry in successful implementation of MoEF & CC proposed norms, particularly in meeting the proposed NOx emission norms, for which the most reputed Manufacturers & Suppliers of even the most advanced Technologies are also not yet in a position to provide/ guarantee a space for compliance. MOEF & CC has now notified the standards for SOz, NOx & PM for the existing and the new cement plants, vide The Gazette of India No.444 dated Augus t 25, 2014, Notification of Rul es - G.S.R. 612 (E) . ii. Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS): In the matter of CPCB's directi on (cit. 15th May 2014) for the Cement Industries to comply with installation of CEMS (Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems), CMA sought clarifications from CPCB as to the monitoring to be carri ed out for emission parameters (pH, BOD, COD, TSS) as included in the Guidelines for Cement Category in th'e CPCB Notification No. B- 29016/04/06/PCI-1/5401 cit 5th February 2014, with a request to CPCB to accordingly communi cate the same to all Sta te Pollution Control Boards fo r their information and clari fication. Clarifi cations were also sought aga in from CPCB as to the fo llowing, that: A plicability of the monitor ing for a. p . f only such plants having. capa.clty o tl al1 3 MTPA in line w1th the more 1 ' Min istry's circular No. J- 11013/41/2006-IA. II (I) cit 6thApril 2011 S ubmission of the Bank Guarai.1te~ of b. t 25% of the cost of onli ne mom ·ormg systems to be limited to only those plants who do not comply with installation by the limit notified. c. Proposed monitoring to be carried out at the Kiln Stack, in line with the various discussions held in the Ministry. We are informed by our members that SPCBs are still insisting on Online Effluent Monitoring, since CPCB is silent on the issue. CMA is currently making fresh efforts to take up this issue as well with the New Government Authorities. 11 1. Online Environmental & Forest Clearances: Subsequent to the launch of on-line submi ssion & monitoring of Environmental & Forest Clearances by the Hon'ble Minister for Environment, Forests & Climate Change respectively in June 2014 and July 204, the systems have already come into effect, that phys ical applicat ions for such Clearance purposes are no more accepted. All the aboye issues were discussed in the CMA Te~hnica l Committee in its 61st '· Meeting held in Chennai on 15th July 2014 discussed, wherein it was decided that a small group of 3-4 Member compan ies should meet the concerned authori ties to sensitize them about the specifi c concerns of the industry at the earli est. Accordingly, the CMA groups had separate meetings with the Director in MoEF & CC, Dr S. C. Garkoti, on 23rd July 2014, and CPCB Member Secreta ry, Dr A.B. Ako lkar on 16th July 2014, to apprise them of the concerned subjects. Both the Authoriti es ass ured the CMA delegations of necessary actions to be taken. Noting the ongoing implementation of the online Environmental and Forest Clearances by the MoEF & CC, Members