Cement, Energy and Environment

14 THE GAZETIE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY [PART II- SEC. 3(ii)j (d) Steps shall be taken to prevent contamination or pollution of water from any source including agriculture. 8. Establishment of new major Yes - - Seuinu ~ up of new hydro- hydro-electric projects electric power plants (dants. tunneling. and construc tion or reservoir) and expansion of existing plants in the Eco- ~ensi tive Zone is prohibited except the microhydel powe r projects (Up to IOOKW) or the . . hyde! 1111111 power projects {from I0 I lO 2000KW).which would serve the energy needs of the local . . COilllllllnttleS, subject to consent of the concerned Gram Snbha and all other requisi te clearances. 9. Erection of electrical cables - Yes - Promote undcruround ~ and telecommunication cablinn ~ towers. I0. Ongo ing agriculture and - Yes - horticulture pract in~s by local cornmuni t ic ~ along wit h dairies. dail)' farmin!! - and fisheries. ) II. Rain water harvesting - Yes Shall be acti ,·e ly promoted. - - 12. Fencino o r existing - Yes <' . 0 of hote ls and pre llltSeS lodges. I :- . Org;mic Farming . Yes Shall be actively prom01ed. 14. u~s of plastic carr) bags. Yes . - 15. l,;o;c of renewable energy - Yes Shall be actively promoted. - sources 16. Wid\! ning and strengthcning - Yes . Sh<~ll be done with prop.!r o r exist ing roads and Envi ronment Impact con~truct ion of new roads. Assessment and mitigation - measures. as applicable 17 0 Mo,emenl of "ehicular Yes - For commercial purpose. - traffic at night 18. Introduct ion of exo tic Yes - - 0 SflCCICS 19. Usc or production of any Yes - - hazardous subst a nce~ 20. l..indcrtakin!! - • 0 acth'tlt es Ye> . - rclatt.!d to touri sm like over- ll ying the ~ationa l Park area by any air craft. hot air balloons etc. 2 1. Protection of Hill :.lope~ - Yes . 6 l