Cement, Energy and Environment

[ \lTT1 II -(gUS 3(ii)) SI. i\o. ( I ) I. 2. J . 4. 5. 6. 7. Act i\'ily (2) Commercial Minim!, stone - and crushin!! . quarrytng - units. Felling of trees Scuing of Saw-mills Seuing up of industries causin!! water or air or soil - or noise pollution. Commercial establ ishment of hotels and rcsons. Commercial Use of Fi re wood Commercial resources including water harvestinc. - water cround - Prohibited t3} Yes Yes Yes Yes Table Re~ulated Permitted (4) (5) Yes Yes Yes 13 Remarks (6) All new and existing commercial mining (minor and m:uor minerals}, stone quarrying and crushing units arc prohibitedexccpt for the domesti c needs of bona fide local residents. (a) There shall be no fe lling of trees on the forest land or Gove rnment or revenue or private lands without prior permission of the competent authority in the State Governmelll. (b) The fe lling of trees shall be regulated in accordance with the prOVISIOnS of the conce rned Centralor Stat.e Act and the rulesmade thereunder. No new or expans ion of exist ing pollut ing industries shall be pcrmiucd within the Eco-scnsiti ve Zone. No new or expansiOn of cxtstinc comme rcial - cstablishmcnt ssuch as hotels and resons shall be permitted wi thi n the Eco-sensilive Zone. {a)Thc o.:x tracti on of surface waterand ground water shall be allowed only for bonafide a!!ricultural usc and domestic - consumption of the occupier of the land. (b) The extrac tion of surface water and !!round water for - industrial or commercial use including the amoulll that can be extracted. shall reqmre pnor permissionfrom concerned Authorit y. wriuen the Regulatory (c l No ~a l o.: of surface wmo.:r or ground water shall be permilled. 60 I