Cement, Energy and Environment

' • I • • I . { ' 12 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [PART II- SEC. 3(ii)] industries not causing pollution.(iv)Eco-tourism facilities like home stays. ropeways. kiosks. funiculars. etc.. and (v) Security Forces Camp: Provided further that no use of tribal land shall be pcrmillcd for commercial or industrial related deve lopment activit ies without the prior approval of the State Government and without compliance of the provisions of the Jaw for the time being in force. including the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest ~ ~ - Rights) Act,2006(2 of 2007). The Central Government and the State Government may specify such other measures. as may be considered necessary. for giving effect to the provisions of this notification. tbJ :'\atural spring~.-The catchment areas of all springs shall be identified and plans for conservalion and rejuvenation of springs shall be incorporated in the Zonal Yt aster Plan and strict guidelines be drawn up for the prohibition of ~ development ac tivities at or ncar these areas. t<·) Tourism.-The activity relating to tourism within the Eco-scnsitivc Zone shall be as under. namcly: - (i) all new tourism activities or expansion of existing tourism activi ties within the Eco-sensitivc Zone shall be in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Central Government in the Ministry of Environment and Forests and the Ministry of Tourism and by the National Tiger Conservation Authority, with emphasis on ceo- tourism. ceo-educat ion and eco-devclopmcnt and hased on carrying capacity study of the Eco-scnsiti ve Zone: (ii ) new construction of any kind shall not be allowed within the Eco-sensi tive Zone except the activity listed at item No.32 relating to Eco Tourism specified under column (2) of the table in paragraph 3: (iii) til~ the Zonal I\ laster Plan is approved. development for tourism and expansion of existing tourism activities shall be pernuued by the concerned regulatory authorities based on the actual site specific scruitinisation and on the recommendation of the SESZMC: tdl i'iatura l hcrita j!l.'.- All si tes of valuable natural heritag~ in the Eco-scnsitive Zone such as gene pool reserve areas. rock formations. waterfalls. springs. gorges. groves. caves. points. walks, rides. cliffs. etc. shall be identified and be preserved andproper plan he drawn up fo r their protecti on and conservation, wi thin six months from the date of publication of this noli lication. (Pl :'-loisC' pollution.-Thc Environment Department or the State Forest Department ofOdishashall draw up guidelines and regulations for the comrol of noise pollution in the Eco-scnsitive Zone in accordance with the provisions of the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 (I-I of 198 1). (() Ai r pollution.-ThcEnvironment Dcpanmcnt or thc Statc Forl'st Depan 1Th!nl ofOdishashall dmw up guidelines and regulations for the control of air pollution in the Eco-sensiti\"e zone. in accordance with the pro,·isions of the Air 1Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act. 1981 ( 1-1 of 198 1). tgl Disdwrge of cfnu ('nts. - Thedischarge of treated cfllucnt in Eco-sensitive Zone shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Water (Prevention and Cont rol of Pollution) Act. 1974(6 of 1974). t hl Solid wa~ tt>s.- ti) The solid waste disposal in Eco-scnsitive zone shall be carried out as per the provisions of the Municipal Solid Waste (Management and Handling) Rules. 2000 published by the Central Government 1·ide notification number S.O. 908 !E). dated the 2:'i'hSeptember 2000: (ii) the local authoritic. . hall draw up plans for the segregation of solid wastes into biodegradable and non-biodegradable components: 1 iii) the biodegradable material shall be recycled preferably through composting or verrnicuhure: (iv) the inorganic material shall be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable manner. til Bio-medical wa~t e.-The bio-medical waste di sposal in the Eco-sensitive Zone shnll be carried out as per the provisions or the Bi o-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 published by the CcntJnl Government 1•ide notification numberS.0 .6:lOtE), dated the 20'hJuly, 1998. (j)\'ehkular Trafnr .- The vehicular movement of traflic shall be regulated in a hnbitat friend ly manner and specific provisions in this regnrd shall be incorporated in the Zonal Master Plan and till such time as the Zonal master plan is prepared and approved by the Ministry of Environment and Forests. the SESZMCshall monitor the compliance of vehicular movement as per the rules and regulati onsfor the time being in force. ·'· List of acti\"iticc; prnhihited or to he .-c•gulatcd "ithin thl' Eco-S<' nsitiw Zonc.-All ncti vities in the Eco-sensiti\C Zoneshall be gove rned hy the provisions of the E1wironme111 1Protection) AcL 1986 (::!9 of 1986) and be regulated in the manner specified in the Table below. namel y: - 59