Cement, Energy and Environment

["WT IH!ios 3( ii)) I I And whereas. it is necessary to conserve and protect the KapilashWildl ifc Sanc tua ry and propagate improvement of and develop wild life therei n and its environment: And whereas it ha~ become necessary to specify certain areas around the Kapilash Wildlife Sanctuary as Eco-scnsiti ve Zone and to prohibit industries. operational or process or class of industries. operat ions or processes in the said Eco– sensitive Zone: Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section ( I). clause (v) and clause (xiv) of sub-section (2} and sub-section (3) of secti on 3 of the I:nvironment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) read with sub-rule (3) of rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, i986, the Central Government hereby notifies an area up to 13.!5kilometersfrom the boundary of the Kapil ash Wildli fe Sanctuary in tllC State of Odisha as the Eco-sensitive Zone. details of which are as under, namely: - !. Extrot and Boundaries of Ero-scnsitin.' Zone.-( I ) The Eco-sensitive Zone varies from 500 me ters to 13. 15 kilometers all around the Kapilash Wildlife Sanctuarycovering geographical area of 393.87 sq. km. with total perimeter of the Eco-sensitive Zone boundary of 245.85 km. <2l The Eco-sensiti ve Zone is bounded by 20° -U ' 55.8J8"N latitude nnd 85°55' 30.586"Elongitude townrds East(Referen(·e point pill l\o.21111 of mnpl: 20° 38' 50.930"N latitude nnd 85° 41 ' 11.524"E longitude towards west( Refl'renre point pill l\o.l of mapl: 20" 4 1' 44.559"N Intitude and 85° -18' 42.827"E longitude townrds nonhiRl'fercnt·c point pill ~o.IOII of map) and 20° 38' 20.393"N latitude and 85° -14' 55.087"E longitude towards southt Rl'f<'rc tH'e point pill No. ;\Oll of map I. (3) The mr.p of Eco-scnsitivc Zone boundary together wi th its lrrtitudes and longitude of ex tremes and extent is appended to th is notification as Ann<>Xur<' I. <4) The list ofvillages falling within the Kapilnsh SanctuaryEco-sens itive Zone alongwith their longitude and latitudesat prominent pointsisappcnded to thi s notification ns Annrxurr II: Provided that the Annexure II shall be subject to list of villages conlirmcd by the State Gove rnment in the Zonal Master Plan. , 1. Zonal :\laster Plan for the Eco-sensitin • Zonl'.-1I )The State Government shall for the purpose of effec ti ve management of the Eco-scnsitive Zone. preparea Zonal Master Planwithin a period of one year from the date of - -t publicati on of thi s noti lication in the Official Gazette. for consideration and approval of the Central Government in the \ Minis try of Environment and Forests in consult ation with local people and with the approval of the foll owi ngconccrned State Departments namely:-( il Forest and Environmcnt:{i i)Tourism:(iii )lrrigarion:(iv ) Housing and Urban De~·e lopme 111 : (v) Public Works Department (Building and Roads):(vi) RevenueDepanment and Odisha State Pollution Control Board. ( 2 ) The Zonal Master Pl an shall provide for restoration of degraded areas, conservation of exi sting water bodies, management of ca tchment areas. watershed management. ground water mrrnagement. soil and moisture conservation. needs of local communi ty and such other ecological and environmental aspec ts. ( 3 ) The Zonal Master Plan shall demarcnte all the exi sting and proposed urban seulernems. village sculements. worshipping places. types and kinds of fores t. agriculture areas. honi cultural areas. fertile lands, green areas. orchards. Jakt! s and other wa ter bodies excluding al l canal and drainage works. (4 ) The Zonal Master Plan shall lay down the terms and conditions and such other .menst! res ~s 1~1ay be s~c i lied by the Cent ra l Governmen t or the State Government from time 10 time. for the regulatron ol acuvrtrcs specrlr cd under column (2) of the table in paragraph 3. ( 5 ) The State Government shnll. while drawing up the Zonal Master Plan. comply with the following namely;- tal Land l'st•.-Forests. honicullu rc areas, agricullural nreas, parks and open spaces earmarked for recreational purposes in the Eco- sensitive Zone shall not be used or constructed into areas for commercial or industrial related development activities: Prov ided that th.: con\'ersion of agricult ural lands within the Eco-sensitivc Zonemay be pcrmilled on the rcc:ommendar ion of the State Level Eco-sensitive Zone Monitoring Committee (SESZMCJ and with the conMitutcd under paragraph 1 and wi th the prior approva l of the State Government. to meet the res identi al n<!eds of the local residents. a ~cl for the activities listt!d at item numbers I I. 27. :18. 32 and .Bspeci lit!d unde r column (2J ol the table in paragraph .\. namely: - ci ) rainwater harvesting. Cii )Couage industries inc luding village art isans. etc..( iii ) Small scale 58