Cement, Energy and Environment

I \ ) . <f"l@ tio "ito wo- 3300-+199 REG0 NO 0 L .., "0!) 1 / 99 - - -- _ I - - - ·-..).1 -t Chi rQ:he OLette of ,;Jndia '-- ~fll tl i{O I EXTit\ OROI :'\ARY mrT 11-&U :S 3-~-@0:S (ii) P.\RT 11- S('rt ion 3-Suh-SN'I ion t iil ~ it t;l ctil f;/1 (f Pl'BLISHED BY AlTHORITY . ~. 1-H 71 ~ f<R"fl , ~!Sti eHl , '-l t"fl$ 4 , 2014/~IQI ¥ 13 , 1936 :'\E\\" DELHI. FRIOAY. .Jl"LY .t. 2tH-I/ASADHA JJ . JIJJfo 1'\o. J.tl 71 ~ 11 !'\ I STRY OF E!'\\'IROJ'\~IE:\T. FORESTS .\ :\0 C'LDI.\ TE CHA:\GE "OTIFIC':\ TIO:\ N!.!w Delhi. I he 4th July. 2014 • S.O. 1 tWi ll £1.-The following draft of the notific:uion. which the Central GovcrnnX!nt proposes to issue in exercise of the power~ conferred by Sub-seclion I I ). clause (v) and clause cx iv) of Sub-secti on (2) and Sub-section (3) of Section 3 of the Environment IProtection) Ac t. 1986 t29 of 1986) is hereby publi shed. as required unde r Sub-rule (3) of na le 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules. 1986. for I he informati on of the public likely to be affec ted I hereby: and notice is hereby gi,·en that 1he ~aid dra ft nolilic:uion shall be Hlken into consideration on or after the expiry of a period of sixty days from 1he dale on which copies of 1he Ga7clle of India containin£ 1his notification arc made available 10 the Public: Any person interes ted in_ maki ~1g a_ny obj~cti on~ or sugges tions on the proposals comained in 1he draft noti fication may forward 1he same '" ,,·nung. tor consJderat•on of the Centra l Government wi lhin the period so specified 10 the Secretary. Ministry of En' ironment and Forest. ParyavaranBhawan. CGO Complex. Lodhi Road. New Delhi– ! 10003. 0r at e-mail address:- es1-ml.!f@•ni c.in Dra ft :"-:otilk:ll ion Whereas. the Kapilash Wildlile Sanctuary lies in the Ohenkanal District of Odisha State within the KapilashReserve Forest covering an area of 125.50 sq. km without any human sctJ iemcnt: And Whereas. lhc forest of this Sanctuary intercepl rai nfall and help recharge ground water aquifer. protec t river!> ttnd streams nca inst si llalion by mi nimising soil erosion and has well-kni t network of perenn ial or semi-perennia l and ~easonal ~~ream!>. nalas or ri,·ers which feed minor irrigation projects and water harvcsling structures nmf arc tributaries to the river Brahmani: And Whereas, the sanctuary is an cxcell elll habita l for AsianElcphants and some of 1he most endangered species like Elephant( EleJ 1 fw.smaximus) , Hyena ( Hgaenahym'lla J, Sp0t1cd Deer IArir axi~ ). San~bar r Cemus unicnlnrl . Wolf (Canis lupus). Bears (Melurm~uninus/). Sloth Bears. Common. Long.oors. Jackal (Ctmlsmlreus) . Fox ( Vulpe.lbengalemis). Hares (Lepusnigriconis). Wild Boar tSusscroja). porcup111es (Hyslrixindica). Peacocks (Pai"Dcrisuuusl. Varieties of Bi rds, Snakes. Lizards etc: And Whereas. the sanc tuary is an excelle nt hab il at for nora with Sal i.c .Shnrearobuswas lhe dominant species along with the a~sociatcs like Kasi 1BrJe liarett1sa l. Simul C Bombaxceiba ). Kangara (Xy/ia.':,·locarpa). Sidha(A /hi:ja/ebbek ). Phasi CAnflgeissusaccuminala ). Kendu ( Di~spgrousme~c~noxylon ). Jamul s, :.ygiumanminji). Amla ( Emblicaofficinali.5). Man!_!o (Mangiferaindica J. Asan ( Terminaluwlma ). BIJa ( Pterncmpusmarlllf>iwn ). Kurum (Adinacordijulia ). Teak <TeClonagrcmdis). Dhaura (Anogi'i.ltlslat(folia J.Kadamba lr\nthncepha/uskadamba ). Karanja ( Pongamiapimuua ). Kusum ( Sch/eicherao/eosa). Mundi t Splweramhusimlim ). MahuiiMadhucaindica ). Bela (Aeglemamw/os ). Gmablmri I Gnte/inaarborea 1. Kanchan ( Bauhinia acuminala ). etc: 57 •