Cement, Energy and Environment

less than 4 MTPA. They had requested for removing this anomaly. The matter was again considered in the Ministry of Environment & Forests and it was decided that the dispensation given for one time capacity expansion for coal mining projects having production capacity up to 8 MTPA, as provided for in the OM dated 07'" January, 2014, would also be applicable to the projects with capacity up to 8 MTPA, which had already availed the dispensation earlier under OM of 19 1 h December, 2012. It was also decided that ti1e coal mining projects with production capacity exceeding 8 MTPA and up to 16 MTPA may be given further dispensation under the O.M. dated 19.12.2012 to the effect that they could have one time capacity expansion, with additional production up to 4 MTPA if the transportation of additional production of coal was ?roposed by means of a conveyor and I or rail transport. The above dispensation was conveyed '.' ide OM dated 30 May, 2014. • • 5. The Ministry of Coal has once again urged this Ministry for further dispensation in the matter so as to quickly ramp-up coal production for enhancing power production in public interest. The matter has been examined in this Ministry and considering the request of Minis try of Coal, it has been decided that in respect of one time capacity expansion proposals of existing coal mining projects with production capacity exceeding 16 MTPA, the EAC may after due diligence consider exempting public hearing subject to the ceiling of additional production up to 5 MTPA if the transportation of additional production of coal is proposed by mean's of a conveyor and I or rail transport. The above dispensation would be subject to satisfactory compliance with environmental clearance(s) issued in the past as judged by the EAC.. All other stipulations stated in earlier O.Ms. of even number dated 19.12.2012, 07.01.2014 and 30.5.20 14 will continue to apply in such cases. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority. (Dr. Manoranjan 1 ot~-~ Director To 1. PS to MEF 2. PPS to Secretary (E&F) I PPS to AS (SS) 3. PPS to JS (AT) IPS to JS (MS) 4. All Officers oflADivision 5. PMO 6. Ministry of Coal 56 '