Cement, Energy and Environment

F . No. 8-64/2013-FC Government of India 1\'linillll')' u{ E o"'iro oment. Forests and C1iJQatc C hange: (FC Di~ision) ""~ lndira Pary.uvaran Bhawan, Aiiganj. .lorbagh Road. !\lew De.lhi - 1It100'3 To Dote:.t_0' 1 ' Augus~ 20 14 >~ The Principal Secretary (forests), A ll Srate/LIT Governments. Sub: Guidelines r egarding de-linking of grant or forest denrnn(e from lhe tl~ran \'~ from th e Standing Committee of tftc 'Nat lonaJ 8 oRrd for Wildlife (NBWL). Sir. 1 am directed to inform thllt. The Ministry has come acrosr. sewrnt' i nstance~ wh.:rt! r. .r.mt of forest cleur.mcc under the forest (Conservation) Act , 19&0 is pending for W<~n l of clear:tncc t:rt)J11 the Standing Commiucc of the NB\VL for lhe projet(S falling within F.co- senshivt! z~·ncs uf the protect ed a reas or within I0 km distance from PA's(,'l>hcr~ (; co-Sensitive zones ur..: not not i ficd). Manv a time• .;(.}:;;es o f fo rest d .eanmcc got unduly delayed tor long lime resulting into unwarran 1 c.1 pendency o f forest clcarnnc~: cases. Furtl1er, clearance from th~ Standing Commi ucc of the NBWI.. i!i grante-e! under 'he prov ision s of Wildlife (Protection) Act. 1972 which i~ altogether d ilfcrem from the provbiom. of the Forest (Conscrvat1011) Act, 1~&0. Taking cognizance of this l'act. the matter wac; examined in lhis Ministry, and it is decided ihal approval bemg granted under the r 11 re ~ r lCon~ervnt ion) Act. 1980 will not be linked to the grant of ulcsrancc fnm1 the Sl.llndin~ Commiue~ of the N H~'l. ex~l'pt in C<l:les \\here land proposed for diversion falls withi n prott:cJ.~d ;m:a~ fur wb ic~ prior uppmva l uf the HOrible supreme court i s rC4uircd. TI1is iRSUeS wit h the a pprU\·111 (l[ com~tent authority. Yours '.~•itl' l~·, . ~ tJ-. \"'\ . (IVL ~j 1~r) As:>Jsram 1ttspcctor GenerAl nf re~ts Copy to:- 1. The Principal Chief Const:rvator orFore!>l. All St.a~fL'T Government.~. 2. The .A.ddl. VCCF (Cenlral), All Regional Ollic.cs of the IVhlEF&<:c. 3. The Nodal Ofticc:r (FC A). Office ol' t he PCCF. All Stat~/UT Govemmems ~ Director ffiKS)/Dirt.'t:lor CROHQ)/AlGF (FC). 5 Sr PPS to DGF&SS, PS to t\ddl DGF, PS to IGf.(FC) 6. Monitoring cdL fC Division. Mo[lF&CC. New Oe ihi . 7. Guard F ile. I ( \-1, a Assis tant IJtSp¢cror Cien<.~rn l nt 'orc~ts { 54