Cement, Energy and Environment

! I Fonnat of certific~te of nan-availability of land for compensatory afforestation in the State/ Union Territory to be issued by the Chief Secretary on hisjher pfficial letter head No...... Dated ... . .......... Certificate of Non-availability of Land for Compensatory Afforestation • I ............. .. , Chief Secretary .............. (name of State/ Union Terr itory) do hereby certify that: (i). I have obtained from each District Collector and Divisional Forest Officer in the ........ . (name of State/ Union Territory), a joint certificate to the effect thnt non-fores t land, . revenue lands, zudpi jungle, chhote jhar ka junglf, bade jluzr ka jungle, jungle-jlzari land, civil- scyam lands and all other such categories of forest lnnds (except the forest land under management o.nd administrative control of the Fo rest Departme.nt) on which the provisions of Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 are applicable, which as per the extant guidelines of the Central Governmen t may be utilised for creation of compensatory afforestation in lieu of forest land diverted for non-forest purpose are not available in the area under their r espective jurisdiction; and (ii).. I have also exatruned all other relevant records. On the basis of afore-mentioned joint certificates nnd e xamination of all other relevant records, I do h ereby certify that non-forest land, revenue lands, zutlpi jungle , chlwtc jltar klr j tmglc, bade jlmr kn jungl~, j un.glR.-jhnri land, civil-scynm Innds and a ll o ther such calegories of forest lands (except the forest land under management and adminis trative control of the Forest Department) on which the provisions of Forest (Conserva, io n) Act, 1980 are applicable, which ns per the e~tant bruidt:?lines of the Central Government may be utilised for creation of compensatory afforestation in lieu of forest land diverted for non-forest purpose a re no t available in the enti re . . . . . . . . .. . (name of State/ tiT) Issued under by hand and seal on this ..... . .. . .... day of ... .... . .. . . .. I Signature O fficial seal 53