Cement, Energy and Environment

2 2. Secre tary, Ministry o f Coal, G overnment of India , Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi. 3 . Secretary, Ministry of Mines, Govemme.nt of India, Shastri Bhaw~ New Delhi 4. Secretary, Mmist:ry of Petro leum and Na tural Gas, Government of India, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi 5. Secretary, Ministry ofStee l, Government of India Udyog BhawiUl~ N ew Delhi. 6 . Secretary, Ministry of Power, Government of India, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi. 7. 01airman, Railways Board, Rail Bhawan. New Delhi . 8. Secretary, Ministry o f Road Transport an d Highways, Governm e n t of India, T ransport Bhawan, New Delhi. 9. The Secretary (Coordination), Cabinet Secre taria t, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi. 10. Director General, Border Roads Organization, New Delhi . 11. Principal Secretary (Fores ts), a ll State/ill Governments. u.· Principal Chief Conserva to r o f Forests, all State/Uf Governments. 13. Nodal Officer, the Fo rest (Conservation ) Act, 1980, all State/liT Governments. 14. All Regional Offices, M inistry of Environment, Forests and C lima te Change (MoEFCC), Government o f India (Got). 15. Joint Secretary in-charge, Impact Assessm ent Division, MoEFCC, Go!. 16. All Assis tant Inspector Genera l of Forests/ Directors in the Forest Conserva tion Division, MoEFCC, Gol. 1 7. Director, Regional Offices lleadqu arters Divis ion, MoF.FCC, Go!. ~. Sr. Director (Technical), N IC, MoEFCC, Gol with a ra1uesl to p lace a copy of this letter on websit~ of this Min istry. 19. Sr . PPS to the Secreta ry, M inistry of Environment, Forests and C limate Change, Gol. 20. Sr. PPS to the Director Gene ral of Forests & Special Secretary; MoEfCC, GoT. 21. Sr . PPS to the AddJ. Director Gen eral of Forests (Forest Con~rvation), MoEFCC, Gol. 22. PS to the Inspector General of Forests (Forest Conservation ), MoEFCC, Gol . 23. Guard File. (H.C. Chau dhary) Director • I S') . -