Cement, Energy and Environment

BI S ISSUES Members were apprised of the status of the Draft Indian Standards/ Amendments regarding clinker specifications, that were earlier circulated by BIS for public comments, in the 61 5 t Meeting of the CMA Technical Committee he ld in Chennai on 15th July 2014. That BIS did not agree to the contention of CMA that there is no need for Clinker specification since it is an intermediary product and the final end product cement has well laid down s pecifications. It was felt by BIS Panel (CED 2.1/Pl ) that in the prese nt scenario, clinke r is t raded within the country as well outside, for which all clinkers nee d to comply with certain m1mmum requirements for manufacture of cements. It was therefore decided to continue with the development of Indian Standards for Clinker as well. However, the Amendme nts suggested by Membe r Cement Companies on relaxation o f g ranulometric compos ition, LSF a nd upwa rd reviSIOn o f S03 have been incorporated in th e revised Draft Specifications whi ch is now due for wider circulation. ENERGY ISSUES- Implementation of BEE's PAT Scheme Bureau of Ene rgy Efficiency (BEE), in associa tion w ith t he Sta te Designated Age ncies (SDAs) , o rga nised four Region al Intera ctive Workshops a t Ahmedaba d, Bangalore, Uda ipur, a nd Chennai for Designated Consume rs (DCs) and accredite d Ene rgy Audi tors during the period 3 - 27 June 2014, to expla in t he Normalization factors and Modified Fonn-1 for Cement Sector, as finalized by the 'technical and Sub-Technical Committee of Cement Sector. Delegates from the CMA Membe r Cement Companies actively participated in t hese meetings. Meanwh ile, BEE a lso released t he Gazette Notification --------- dated 27th May 2014 on the conduct of Mandatory Energy Audit by DCs. The energy audit is to be conducted by accredited Energy Auditors, whose List is available at www.energymanager training.comfannouncementsfacc2005/list 2012s new.htm'. A DC may select any accredited energy auditor for this purpose, whose name is included in the list, which is likely to be expanded from time to time. As per Bureau of Energy Efficiency . (Manner and Intervals of Time for Conduct of Energy Audit) Regulations, 2010, the first mandatory energy audit to be conducted by a n a ccredited Energy Auditor within 18 months time from the da te of notification (i.e. 27th May 2014) issued by the Central Government. Energy Conservation (Form and Manner and Time for Furnishing Information with regard to Energy consumed a nd Action taken on Recommendations of Accredited Energy Auditor) Rules, 2008, which has a mention in the mandatory energy audit notification, is available at the following link: www.beeindia.in/aboutbee/documents/ - . . gazetten otificationjnotifications/ GSR186eng.pdf. The matter was discussed 111 the 61st 11 Meeting of the CMA Technical Committee, held in Chennai on 15Lh July 2014, where in the Committee felt tha t the Penalty under PAT Scheme is very high a nd is equal to the cost o f energy cons umed in excess of th e ta rget set and there fore all e fforts should be made to meet the PAT Ta rget. ENVIRONMENT ISSUES . I. MoEF & CC proposed emissions nor ms (SOz, NOx & PM) : Pending a Gazette Notification on the Emission Norms for SOz, NOx & Load based parti cu late matter(PM) fo r the Cemen t Plants, CMA has been making a ll Jr