Cement, Energy and Environment

I I • I l tf..,R1 Tio me 'l@o-33004/99 REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 'll. 444) No. 444) OLette of ~:Jndia '-- ;mmmvT EXTRAORDINARY \WT IJ-(§Ug 3-0Q'-{i)Us (i) PART 11- Section 3-Sub-section (i) ~~ ll'ctil~l!f PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ~ ~t+il' \(lqql( ' ~·tfrl 25' 2014/ 'ilfil: 3' 1936 NEW OELH I, MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 2014/BHADRA 3, 1936 G.S.R. 612(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sections 6 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986), lht: Central Government hereby makes the following rules funher to amend the Environment (Protection) Rules. 1986, namely:- ,.... S: No. (1) "10 ·. 1. (I ) These ru les may be called the Environment (Protection) (Fifth Amendment) Rules, 201 4. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gmo:c11c. 2. In the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986,- (a) in Schedule I. for serial number 10 and entries relating thereto, the following serial number aud entries shall he substituted, namely:- - -- I - - - Industry Parameter Standards -- - (2) ___(3)_ (4) -- . Cement Plant A .• Emission Standa rds (without (i) Rotary Kiln - without coprocesslng coprocessing) -~-- -"- Date of , Standalone ~ Commis.~ioning Location Clinker Grinding Plant (a) or, Blending 1- (b) Plant Paniculatc Mauer on or after the date anywhere in the of notification • I country I I - - - ---- - . - - Concentration eHeed, in mg/ - (c) 30 not to NmJ (with effect r~ om 01.01.2016) ' ' I 47