Cement, Energy and Environment

10 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINA RY (PAR I II- SEC. 3(i)) 13. No. G.S.R. 748(E), dntcd the lith October. 1994 I4. No. G.S.R. 27(E), dated the 13th January, 1995 15. No. G.S.R. 214(E). dated the lith April, 1997 16. No. G.S.R. 713(E), dated the 12th September, 2000 17. No. G.S.R. 187(E), dated the: 15th March. 200 1 18. No. G.S.R. 572(E), dated the 16th August, 2002 19. No. G.S.R. 677(c ), datt'd the 14th October, 2004 20. No. G.S.R. 522(E), dat<::d the Ist August, 2007 2 1. No. G.S.R. 96(E), dated the 13th February, 2009 22 . No. G.S.R. 574(E). dated the 13th August, 2009 23. No. G.S.R. 349(E), dated the lOth May. 201 2 NOTII.-ICATION New Delhi, the: Iu Sepc.::rnbcr, 201 4. • G.S.R.6JI(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred under sub-sc,t ion 12) of Section 9A of the Mines and Minera l ~ (Ocvclopment and Regulation) Act, 1957 (67 <If 1957), the Centra l Govc:rlllnc:rtt hcr~by makes the following further <tm~ndment5 to the Third Schedule of the said Act. namely:· 2 In the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulat ion) Acl 1957, for the " Ihird Schedule", the foll owing Schedule shall be substituted, namely:- "THIRD SCHEDULE (Ser Sect ion 9A) Rates of Dtnd Rent I. Rates of dead rent applicable to the leases gran ted for low va lue mincrnl~ are as under: I RATES OF DEAD RENT IN RUPEES PER HEC f ARE PEn AN:'o/UM From 20<1 Yell! of Lc:ase 3' 4 and 411> v~ar nf l cuc 5"' Year onwards 400 1000 2000 1 ·1wo limes the rate specified at paragraph I ubmc in case of lease granted tor medium va lue minera ls. 3 'I hrct t imes a he rate speci fied at paragraph I above in case of lease granled for high value minera ls. 4. Four times the rate speci fied at paragraph I abo \'C in case oflease granled for precious metals and stones. Note: For the purpose of this not ification:· (a I ·• precious metals and stones" means gold. silver, diamond . ruby, sapphtrc and emerald; ( b) "high value minerals" means semi-preciou~ stones (Oj;ale, gem garnc l), corundum, copper, lead. zinc, and asbcsws (chrysot ile variety): tel "mt dium val ue minerals'' means chromirc. manganese ore, kyantiC, si llm1anue, vermiculite, magnesite, wollas lrrrutc, perlite. diaspore, apatite, rock phosphalc. Ouoritc (Ouorspar). barytcs, and iron ore; td) "low value minera ls" means the minerals other than prcciou.> meta ls and stones, high value minerals and mo:doum value minera ls." (F.No.313120ll· M.VI (Part·IV) I R. SRIDHARAN. Arlti l Secy. Not e : Third Schedule to the Mines and Minerals (Development and Re~ul~tion ) Act, 1957 was amended earlier ~ide rwti fil:a1 ion numbers: I ~o . G.S.R 458t EJ. dat~d the Sth May, 1987. 2 Nt'. G S.R. 856(E). dated the 14th Ottober, 1987. 3 S o G.S.R. 214(E1. doted the lith April, 1997. 4 I'o (j S R. 714tE). dated ahc 12th September. 2000. ' 'In Ci.S.R. 678(El. dated the 14th October, 2004 6 No ( r. S. R. 575(£). dated lhc 13th August, 2009. - - Pr inted by I he Manager. Govcmmenl of India Press, Ring Road, Mayapur i, Nc" Delhr · l IOOC.-1 and Publ ished by the Controller of Publications, Uelhi- IIOUS-1 44