Cement, Energy and Environment

I • l 'll'> II - •;srr~ J( i) J 49. ~IJ . 52. 54. Tung~t~tl. Utnnium: V;m;rdltHr• Vcrmlcu l&lc: Wo llu,tonitc: Zinc : All o ther mrner:lls not herein before ~pecificd (Agate. Corundum. Diaspore. Felsite, Fuschite- Qu3r1 Zrtc. l3s pe r, Kyanite. Perlite. P~ro;o.cnit c,. Rock Salt, Selen ite e tc .) 9 metol pnc<' char~eable on the conta ined tin metal in ore produced. Twenty rupees per unit per cent. of contained W0 1 per torme ofore and on pro rata basis. Two per cent. of annual compensa tion amount received hy M/s. Uranium Corporatio n of India Ltd., to be ~ppor1ioncd among the States on the bas is of data rrovtded by Department of Atomic Energy. T \\cnty P<'r cent. of '" er:.ge s:~lc price o n nd ••alarTm hasis F1vc llCr cc::nt o f3vcrat:c sa l..: price un acl ~ult.Jrc.·m ba)is. Fille~n pt•r cerll . of aver<lgc ~ale price on ad >·alorem basis. (n) Nine point five per cent. o f L<mJon Metal Exchange Zi nc mctnl price on ad mlon:m basis chargeable on conta ined zinc metal in ore produced . (b) Ten per cent . of l.•ondon Metal Exchange Zinc metal prrcc on ml •·tJlorem bas is chargeable on cuntained zinc metal in c:onccntr:.te produced. T" chc I'<'' .:cnt. of a•·cragc sale price on ad •·alorem boui>. Notes :- 1 • Rates o f roya lt y in respect of item No.I O rclutmg to Coni (including Lignite) 35 revised wJt: noti~c:ltion nuonhcr G.S.R. 349(E), dated the tO"' May. 20 1::! read \\lth comgcntlum G.S.R 525(F). dated the 14 June. :w t 2 of the Government of India in the MinbllJ of Coni ,hall remain in force untrl rcvis<'d through a separate n..rilicalio n b)' the M inistry of Coal. ' •• Rates of royalty in respect of item Nu..l I relating to Snnd for sto" mg rc' iscd >·ul.· notification number (J S.R. 2 14((), dated the I 1"' April, 1997. wrll remain rn force until n:vised through a separate notification by the M ini>try ofCoal." fF. No. 3 •3'20 11-~1 VI (l'an-IV)] R. SRil)IIARAN. Addl. Sccy. '1/ot•·: The Scccrnd Schedule to the Mines and M in~rah (Development and l(cgula tion) Ac t. 1'157 w:1s amended earlier •·tda notificatro n 1111111bers · "'n G.S.R. 1 7~ 1E) . dnted the 31st March, 1975 2 No. G.S.R. 4071(), dated the 14th July. 1975 3 No G.S.R. 5 ~·1( E). dated the 13th December, 1975 J Ko. (.; .S.R J2 1(E). dated the 12th June, 1978 5 l'\o G.S R 2(f:). doted theI st Januorv. 1979 • o 1\o G.S.R 67(1:). d3tcd the 13th February, 1979 • 1\'o. v .S.R. 63(1:'.), dated the 12th February. 1981 8 l'o. O.S R. +l9tl'). dated the 23rd July. 1981 9 No. G S.R. 4S8{E). d31ed the Sth May. 1987 I() "'lo (j S R. 8~6(E). datc:d the 14th October. 1987 It No U.S.R. 5 1btE). d~ted chc ISl August. 1991 12 No ( ;.s .R. 100(1~). datc:d th e 17th February, 1992 43