Cement, Energy and Environment

8 27. :2 8. 29. 30. ~I. 32. 33. 34. 35 . 36 37 38 . 39. ~0. 43 45. 47 THE C'iA7.F.TTF. OF INDIA : F.XTRAORDIN/\RY [PAI\T II SEC. 3(i)) ( ii) Others Litne kankar: l.irnes heJI· Mnf>Ocsitc: Manganese Ore : ( i) Ore of all grade (ii) Concentrntes Mort: Crude Mica. 1~astc mica and sc rap 111ica: Mona7.ite: Ochre : !')TileS: Pyroph)' II itc: Ruby: Sand (others)· Sand fo r stowing : Shale. Si lica sand and mould ing sand and Quartzite : Sillimanite: Silver: {i) By-product (ii ) Pr1rnary Si lver Slate Talc . Steatite and Soapsto ne: T tn Eighty rupees per toMe . Eia:ltty rupees per tonne. F.ighty rupees per tonne. Three per cent. of a1•eragc sale pri ce on ad 1·u/orem bas is. Five per cent o f averag( sale price o n ad \'oicrem basis. One point seven per cem . o f average sak price on ad valorem b asis Sixty rupees ~r to nn• Four per cent. of average sale pri ce on ad ' 'aiorcm basis. One hundred and twenty- live rupees per to nne . Z~ro point one t~o per cent. of London Metal Exchange Ntckc l metal prt~c c hargeable on the contained nickel mcllll in ore produced. Twenty-four rupees per tonne. Two per cent. of average sale price on ad ' 'a lor('m basis. Twenty ~r cent. o f average sale price on ad 1 ·a/orl!m basis. Fifteen ~r cent. of average s~ lc price on ad •·alnrem basis . Ten per cent. of ~veragc sale price on ad vo/r;rem tmsis . Twenty rupees per tonne. •• Sixty rupct:> pet tonne Ten per cent. of average sale price o n ad •·aillrt•m basis. Two poi nt fr ve per cent. of a\·crage sale price o n ad valonm, bRsi' Seve n per cent. or London Metal Exc hange Price chargeable on by-produc t s ilver mctul actua lly produced . F i~c (X'r cem. of London Mctnl Fxchongc Silver Metol Pncc chargeable on the c o nrained stlv~r meral in ore p rndttccd Fo rty-th·c rupees per tonne. F tghtccn per cent. of average s ale price on ad I'Oi or em basts 'icvcn point five per cent. of London Metal Exchange Tin I • 42