Cement, Energy and Environment

l 'lT'1 II - liJ'Ia 3( i) ) 16. 17. 18. 19 . 20. 2 1. 22 23 24. 25 26 Dunite: r Fclspor: Fire Clay: (including plast ic, pipe, ~ithomargic and natural poz:wlanic clay) Fluorspar: (also called Ouorite) Garnet : (i) AbrdSivc (ii) Gem Gold: (i} Primary Cii) By-product gold Graphite: (i) With 80 per cent or more fixed carbon (ii) With 4o per cent. or more fixed carbon but less than 80 per cent. fixed cllrbon (iii) With 20 per cent. or more fixed carbon but less than 40 per cent fixed carbon (iv) With less than 20 per cent fixed carbon Gypsum: Iron Ore: (CLO, Lump<, lines and concentrates oil grades) Lead: Limestone· (i) L. D. Grade (less than I .5 per cent. silica content) 7 Thirty rupees ~r tonne. FiReen per cent. of nvcrnge sale price on ad I'Cilorem basis. Tw~lvc per cent. of average sate pncc on ad l'alorem b~is. • Eight per cent. of avcr~ge sale pri~ on ad •·alorcm bu is. Four ~r c<'nt. of average sale pri~ on ad\'alorcm basis. Ten per cent. of average sale price on ad valorem basis. Four r er cent. of London Bullion Market Association Price (commonly re ferred to as London Price) chugeable on the gold metal in ore produced. Three point three per ~nt. of London Bull ion Market Association Price (commonly referred to as London Price) chargeable on the by-product gold metal actually produced. Two hundred and twenty-five rupees per tonne. One hundred nnd fifty rupees per tonne. Stxty-live rupees per tonne. Twenty-five rupees ~r tonne. Twcnry per cenL or 11venage sale price on ad •·alorem basis. Fifleen per cent. of average sale price on ad valorem basis. (a) Eight point five per cent. of London Metal Exchange Lead metal price chargeable on the contained lead meta l m ore produced. (b) Founeen point five ~r cent. of London Metal Exchange Lead metal price chargeable on the contained lead mcllll in the c.onccntrnte produced Ninety rupees per tonne. 41