Cement, Energy and Environment

6 I. 2. ' ) . 4. \ 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. tO. II. t2. 13. 14. 15. • THE GAZETIE OF INDIA : EXTRAORDINARY I PART II-SEC. 3(i)l Apatite lll1d Rock Phosphate: (i) Apatite (ii) Rock Phosphate (a) Above 25% P~O, (b) Upto 25% P:O> Asbestos: (i) Chrysotile (ii) Amphibole Bnrytes: Bauxite and Laterite: Brown Ilmenite (Leucoxene), Ilmenite, Rutile and Zircon: Cadmium: Calcite: China clay or Kaolin: (including ball clay and white shat•, whit~ clay) (i) Crude ( ii) Processed (incl uding washed) Clay others: Coal (includ ing Lignite): Chromite: Columbite·tantal ite: Copper Diamond: Dolomite: Five per cent. of nveroge sale price on admlorcm basis. Twelve and half per cent. of average sale price on m/ valorem basis. Six per cent. ofaverage sa~e price on ad l'alorem basis. Eight Hundred and Etgbty rupees per tonr.e. Fiftttn per cent. of average sale price on ad \'alorcm basis. Six and hnlf pe r cent. of nveroi;e sale price on ad vaforl!m basis. (a) Mdallurgtcal Grade: Zero point six uro per cent. of London Metal Exchansc Aluminium metal price ~hargeable on the cont:tined aluminium metal in ore produced for those dispatched for usc in alumina lllld aluminium metal extraction. (b) Non ft/oalluTKkal Grade: Twenty five per cent. of average sale price on ad valorem basis for those dispatched for usc other than 11lumina & aluminium metal cJtlrnction. Two per ~nt. of ave1'11ge sa le price on ad •·alorem basis. Fifteen per cent. of average sale price on ad valorom ba.sis. Fifteen per ccnl. of average sale price on ad valorom basis. Eight per cenL ofa\·cragc sale price: on ad\YJiorcm b:u 15 • Twelve per cenL of average sale price on ad valorem basis. Twemy rupee3 per tonne. • fiftee.n per cent. of average sale price on ad valorem basis. Ten per ecnl. of avc1'11ge sale price on ad •'Diorem basis. Four point six two per cent. of London Metal Exchange Copper metal price chargeable on the contatned copper mcual in ore produced. Eleven point five per cent . of average sale pnce on ad valorem basis. Seventy-five rupees per tonne. • I 40