Cement, Energy and Environment

r I EXTitAOrtiHNARY 'WI II - <!JI1'S 3- '3V- <!JI1'S ( i) PART l l~etlion 3-Sub-section (i) oifb&n ~ OU11HIIif1 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORIT Y 'f$ ~t+ll. fflqQn , ftl,n•:n 1 , 2014 1~ 10, 1936 !lEGP NO. D L.-33004/99 "fi. ~59) No. 4591 NEW DELHI, MONDAY, SEI'TEMOER I, 20 14/BHADRA 10, 1936 \..S. It.6JO(E).- In c~crcise of the powers conferred under !oUb·scction (3) o f Sect ion 9 o f the Mines an~ Minerals (Dcwloprnent and Regulnuon) Act, 1957 (67 of 1957), the Ccnunl Government hereby m~tk cs the followong further amcndrncnts to the Second Schedule o f the saod Act, namely. 2 In the Mine• and Minerals (Dc,·clopmcnt ond Rcgulotron) Act. 1957, for the "Second Schedule". the following '>thcdulc shall he substituted. namely:- "SECONO <;CII£0 LE (Su Stcllon 9) KATES Of ROYALTY I I{ESPECT O F MINERA LS A T ITEM'; I TO 9. I I TO 40 A '10 42 TO ~S 39