Cement, Energy and Environment

hope to energize today's students to become tomorrow's great leaders:' "As a world leader in innovating cut- ting-edge technologies, Honeywell's Technologists, (left to right): Dr. G. Viswanathan, founder and chancellor, VITUniversity; professor Claude Cohen-Tannoudji; Mr. Suresh Venkatarayalu, President, Honeywell Technology Solutions- Global Research/Engineering enters across the globe continue to innovate to address world's toughest challenges like energy efficiency, clean energy generation, urbanization/ HGR development, safety & security, and customer productivity;' said Suresh Venkatarayalu, president, HTS Global, "It is important for us to inspire of Veilore India, Initiative (HISE). as Institute of Technology (VIT), part of its global Honeywell for Science & Engineering Professor Cohen- Tannoudji is among 23 Nobel laureates that Honeywell has sponsored at universities worldwide since 2006. The event marks the eleventh time Honeywell Hometown Solutions, Honeywell's corporate social responsibility organization, has delivered HISE to a university in India, and the first time the program is taking place at VIT University. Cohen Tannoudji was awarded the 1997 Nobel Prize in physics for the development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light to near Absolute Zero. This discovery has given rise to a number of recent developments in ttiis field. Afterwards, students engaged in a lively discussion with the laureate. asking many questions and interacting directly with him throughout his visit. "Always consider yourself a student of life, and never let go of your curiosity:' he advised them. future engineers to demonstrate uncompromised empathy to understand the environment we live in, accompanied by a relentless focus and drive to innovate to make positive impact on the lives of consumers across the globe:' VIT University is one of several Indian universities selected to take part in the HISE progrqm. To date, Honeywell has brought the program to India 11 times, the most of any country since Honeywell began a laureate program in 2006. Siemens India Siemens India set a firm foundation for meritorious students hailing from economically– disadvantaged families by rolling out Siemens Scholarship Program. As part of the first batch of "We are delighted to host HISE and Professor Cohen- Tannoudji for this two-day event:' said Dr. G. Viswanathan, Founder and Chancellor, VIT University. "With this visit by the Nobel laureate and the exchange program we've establ ished wi th Honeywell , we Professor Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Nobel Laureate in Physics, delivering a lecture on "Manipulating Atoms with Light" at VITUniversity, Vel/ore 36