Cement, Energy and Environment

, Asia Coal Catalyst Company is very proud of our products and thanks Manikgarh Cement for the opportunity to demonstrate how CC-88™ Improves combustion efficiency of coal in industrial AFBC boilers. CC-88 rM cleaner coal technology helps both industrial and utility boilers to fire at a consistent rate, assisting boilers to achieve their maximum load. CC-88™ reduces stack losses of unburned carbon and reduces unburned carbon in fly ash. CC-88™ allows operations at lower excess air, reducing plume opacity and reducing NOx. CC- 88™ helps keep PM (particulate matters) emissions under control. Courtesy: Power Business View MISSION ENERGY CHALLENGE- NDTV : VASAVADATTA CEMENT BAGS THE AWARD Being one of the most Energy-Efficient Units, Cll advised Vasavadatta Cement (VC) to be part of Mission Energy. VC eventually got the privilege of being telecast as a documentary film Nationwide on NDTV Channel. NDTV Mission Energy Challenge was original ly conceived by Mr. Chander Kumar Jain following a discussion with Cll Team, as this initiative offered the opportunity to involve not only officers , but also the colony women folks and school children in a very special way to create awareness on energy. VC found the Mission as a best method to involve all employees and to motivate further, in energy saving. It has now become a mass movement in the company where proposals for adoption of schemes like 'No Vehicle Day' , 'Save Water Ral ly' , 'Nukkad Natak', 'Home to Home Campaign to Save Energy', 'Production target with m1n1mum energy consumption' , Leakage-free movements, Compressed Air, Steam & Water Leakage Detection have been received , and are being implemented. Why Vasavadatta Cement Took Part In Mission Energy Challenge In an era of great challenge , to Sustain in the field, one has to be strong to survive in the race. Cement manufacturing is highly energy-intensive. Energy constitutes about 40 - 42 % of cement production cost. Coa l. Electricity etc are the energy forms as most important for use in the c ement Industry. Toriay, coal prices are skyrocketing, power requirement is double. So it becomes our duty to conserve energy. Kesoram Industries Ltd (KIL), Cement Division of Vasavadatta Cement has always been in the forefront in reducing energy consumption. With the current market dictating a lower plant utilization, one must work towards reduction of the Specific Energy Consumption (SEC). KIL always wanted to be the lowest energy consumer per ton of cement production, a Rank they achieved and they wanted to work still on this front and create awareness for further reduction in SEC. Benefits Derived 1. VC have saved about 293527 Units of power which in turn saves about Rs.1320871 .50 in a span of 42 days, and the savings will obviously be very huge at year end. 2. VC have conducted 11 Campaigns which are mainly aimed at motivating the staff and workers that includes sports, morning walks, Door-to-Door Campaign, Seminars in colony, Skit by School Children , etc. This has resulted in change in their thinking, and they now feel responsible themselves in reducing power. 3. When a person comes to the Works with positive mind, definitely it will yield positive results only. VC is experiencing this. 4. With the feather of ENERGY EFFICIENT PLANT on their crown, VC feel proud of themselves. Maj or Achievements 1. Door-to-Door Campaign and Skits by School Children of Vasavadatta Cement. 2. Necessary modifications, required for further improvements in Energy Efficiency, carried out within 42 days. 3. Change in attitude of Staff and Workers 1n Plant and Colony. NDTV crowned Kesoram Industries Ltd [Cement Division] Unit: Vasavadatta Cement, Sedam as Clear winner in manufacturing section The Award was given by Abhai Deal, Cine Actor, who was Chief Guest of the function held at the Taj Palace, New Delhi , on 5th June 2014. Prominent personalities who participated include, 1. Dr Ajay Mathur, Director General- Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Government of India ; 2. Saurabh Kumar, Managing Director- Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL); 17