Cement, Energy and Environment

only 50 kg. High volume of cement is the result of fine grinding. If the consumer adds this cement by volume to the concrete mix, he will end up in making low cement-content concrete, which will have poor strength . Myth-6: OPC cement is s uperior to PPC and other v arieties of cement" OPC is not superior to PPC 1n terms of durabili ty of · concrete and resistance to chemical attacks. Production of PPC would utilise industrial wastes like fly ash, slag, silica fumes etc., the disposal of which would otherwise cause environmental pollution . OPC needs lesser curing time and it develops strength faster but PPC would attain strength slowly and hence needs more curing time. Both varieties of cement atta in almost equal strength in the later time. OPC production needs more fuel and energy. Production of PPC would conserve scarce mineral resources. PPC also consumes less energy in manufacturing and hence it is environment-friendly. In view of the aforesaid myths, consumers think they have opted for superior quality of cement. But, in reality they have ended up with inferior quality of cement. Producers. also incur CLEANERCOALTECHNOLOGY, CC-88 SUCCESSFULLY DEMONSTRATED AT MANIKGARH CEMENT INDIA Written by PBV Staff Thursday, 17 July 2014 July 16, 2014 Cleaner Coal Technology, CC-88 Successf ully Demonst rated at Manikgarh Cement in India US based Asia Coal Catalyst Company ("ACCC") produces CC-88™ a patented Combustion Catalyst. CC-88 was proven effective at Mankgarh Cement saving coal and improving the clinker quality. In February of 2014, Asia Coal Catalyst Company conducted successful trials at Manikgarh Cement located m Chand rapur, Maharashtra, India http://www.manikgarhcement . com A successful demonstration showed that CC- 8BrM combustion catalyst increased the GCV of coal per tonne due to a reduction in L. 0 .1. (loss on ignition). additional cost in manufacturing such cement to satisfy the consumer needs. To overcome such predicament, it is better to dispel these myths from the minds of the consumers. The cement producers have to jointly take steps to educate the consumers about right quality of cement instead of competing among themselves for producing wrong quali ty of cement under the pretext of consumers' preference. They should ultimately strive to educate consumers and benefit from enlightened consumers. Courtesy: Compass, Volume 24. Number 1, April 2014, Pg. No. 20-22 The purpose of the demonstration was to show positive effects of using CC-88™ on the combustion of the local coal used at Manikgarh Cement. ACCC successfully showed that CC-88TM improved combustion efficiency of the 15MW captive power plant boiler. Manikgarh Cement has made the fo llowing observations and conclusions: • • • • CC-88™ usage reduced auxiliary power, i.e. , Fan power for the ID fan achieving power savings. CC-88™ reduced L.O.I. UBC in fl yash was reduced by 4.0% Due to lower L. O.I. & increased IR% of fly ash , PPC cement quality has been tremendously improved in terms of color variation. CC-88rMmade a tremendous improvement to the color of fly ash from black to cream-white making ash significantly more salable. 16 (