Cement, Energy and Environment

I ~ At-line X-ray analysis concept with X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and/or X-ray diffraction for tight on-line chemical quality control of powder/granular process streams with quality control of cement raw meal by XRF as main application. The new generation solution, now incorporating Centaurus, is a further development of legacy at-line XRF products like QCX/OnStream, OLX800 and OLX900, which FLSmidth pioneered the development of several years ago. Centaurus' optimal powder sample preparation capability adds best practice preparat ion & analytical performance to this well-proven at-li ne analysis concept. The at-line x-ray analysis concept offers a high degree of flexibility. In brief, the concept consists of a sampler (selected for the project specific sampling location) and a Centaurus + X-ray analyzer placed under the sampler. The Centaurus, along with customers preferred choice of X-ray flu orescence analyzer, is delivered in a container with built-in air conditioning, dedusting unit, sampling control and other utilities. While the solution focuses on compact X-ray units such as the PANalytical Epsilon 3 and the ThermoFisher technologies, offered today by some of the X– ray equipment suppliers. By integrating either one of these combined XRF/XRD models or a more advanced dedicated X-Ray Diffractometer, applying full pattern-based XRD by the Rietveld method, the solution may also serve as an at-li ne XRD (or at-line XRF/XRD) solution, thereby addressing the emerging market interest for this type of application. Cement plant at-line X-ray an alys is applications While tight quality control of raw meal by XRF no doubt is the main focus application, the flexibility of the at-line X-ray concept supports a wider range of applications analysis and control of intermediate products in the cement making process: Raw m eal : Sampling, preparation and analysis of the raw meal process stream sampled after the raw mill, preferably before return of dust from ESP's or bag filters. Typically 6-8 cycles per hour. The high sampling frequency and short time from sampling to analysis paves the way for lowest possible quality variations at this key sampling point. K iln feed: Sampling, preparation and analysis of the ki ln feed sampled after the raw meal silo. Frequent sampling and analysis of kiln feed may be a valuable input for high level kiln control. If the horizontal distance between the ki ln feed and the raw mix sampling points is short, it will be possible with an extra sampler, some extra piping and a Y-piece to have one at-line system ana lyze both raw mix and kiln feed. In such cost efficient set-up, for example 3-5 raw mix sample portions could be analyzed for every kiln feed portion. Optim'X, virtually all .-------------- ----------------, avai lable and applicable XRF spectrometers from market leading suppliers may be applied. The flexibility of the concept extends to the type of analytical appli cat ion too. Both XRF and XRD may be supported . The XRD funct ionality may origin from XRF/XRD combination Typical At-line XRF configuration 1 , Protective cabi n - incieuxihlries such as dodustkla & air conditioning z Centaurus J ' X-ray Ana lyzer • Sampling & sample feed controller , Optional manual sample entry location + QCX software with raw mix control or Interface to 3'd party equivalent system Bypass simple flow Doslns Spoon, SOcc ~r sam pUna Ptfmary Jlmpl~r I S 9