Cement, Energy and Environment

Modern Plant Operation KCP instal led most modern state- of-the-art process control instrumentation and Fuzzy logic operation for smooth operation of plant and maintain consistent quality. In addition, this Unit has one of the most modern of its kind in India, featuring F L Smidth, Denmark supplied automation and plant instrumentation and a fully automated robot lab faci lity capable of sampling and sample transportation , preparation and analysis. Focus on quality and customer satisfaction As a result of this focus on quality, KCP cement specifications exceed those set by BIS, BS. ASTM by a wide margin. Today, KCP Cement psses through strict supervision and qual ity control at every stage in production and packing. We are • where our customers are, and we place great value on close collaboration on a local level. We know that the success of our customers is also our success. Our aim is long-term customer loyalty based on the convincing quali ty of our products as well as our extensive range of services. Continuous innovation and improvement Our performance and the high quality of our products are based on the use of state-of-the-art technology and production procedures. Our aim is the manufacture of durable cement that are easy to use and offer added value to our customers. To offer customised solutions to our clients, we continuously invest in the development and improvement of products in the area of cement. Reduced Noise Levels There has been strong focus on reducing the noise level at the plant. Silencers and noise enclosures have been provided for all noisy equipment. Along with traditional noise-abating solutions, many new and unique ones were implemented in the project. One of them is for the ki ln shell cooling fans, which are among the noisiest pieces of equipment. For the first time in India, a stack of centrifugal fans with noise enclosures were used for kiln shell. 5