Cement, Energy and Environment

13.39 Euro BlueNext spot price. India leads the list of service providers with 153 (+2) entries, followed by the UK with 68 (+3), US with 63 (+3), China with 61 (+5), and Brazil with 32 (+0). 75 projects and project ideas (+0) have been posted by sellers. Discussion on new market mechanisms UK research network Climate Strategies is conducting a comprehensive research project on the role of sectoral agreements in the post-2012 international climate regime, see: http://www.climatestrategies . org {...). Pierre Guigon of exchange Bluenext assesses the contribution of voluntary carbon markets to the establishment of domestic carbon markets in advanced developing countries, see http://www.oecd - ilibrary.org {...) {450KB). IGES has launched a database that provides information on REDO+ ready project activities and summarizes REDO+ policies and frameworks in the respective host countries - http://redd– database.iges.or.jp (... ). A recent study for UK Department for International Development {DFID) analyses different options for involving the private sector in REDO+, focusing specifically on scenarios where investments could generate carbon credits for sale in international carbon markets see http://www.dfid.gov.uk {...) (824 KB). Incentives for COM investment The price for EUAs rose to 15.2 Euro for the spot market and 16.1 Euro for 2012 vintages. The spread to issued CERs moves sideways at 1.8 Euro. The International Emissions Trading Association lETA submitted a comprehensive questionnaire to EU climate Commissioner Connie Hedegaard on potential restrictions of the use of CERs in the EU ETS phase Ill, reflecting the current investment uncertainty in the market. Meanwhile Ms. Hedegaard has requested the European Commission to define the eligibility of project types after 2012. The questionnaire is available at: http://www.ieta.org (...) {1.5 MB). After the first Russian Jl projects were approved in August 2010, the first project has now submitted its determination report. The 400 MW combined cycle natural gas unit at Shaturskaya power plant near Moscow is expected to reduce 490,000 t C02e per year. Funding comes from German utility E. ON that will receive the respective ERUs. Japan is engaging on a bilateral offsetting mechanism as an alternative to the COM that is seen as too cumbersome. The government has earmarked 4.5 million Euro to subsidize private companies in developing proposals for mitigation projects in developing countries covering the fields: energy efficiency, renewable energy and forestry. The first set of 15 projects was already endorsed, covering Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, India, Thailand, China, Peru. Laos and Myanmar. China plans to install further 100 GW of hydro power capacity by 2015, with this almost exploiting the potential for this project type in the country. In the context of the recent discussion on the additionality of hydro power projects under the COM in China, this announcement may create further doubts for the future of Chinese hydro projects under the COM. The Geneva Dialogue on Climate Finance on 2 September 2010 unveiled fast start finance pledges from Denmark, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway and UK amounting for almost 5 billion Euros. Under http://www.faststartfinance.org the commitment of these countries can be tracked, however, there is no transparency on whether this is new or refurbished money. US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid postponed the vote for a Senate energy bill until the end of the summer recess in mid September due to lacking Republican support. Meanwhile, the bill has become a light version of the initial draft, called 'Clean Energy Jobs and Oil Spill Accountability Act' and does not contain legal caps on carbon , while including subsidies for energy efficient buildings and fuel switch measures for private cars. The Indian state of Madhya Pradesh will set up a COM Agency that shall advise the government and explore further COM potential and promote projects. The initial budget amounts for 150.000 Euro. Courtesy: GTZ COM Highlights Newsletter, Issue No. 87, September 2010. CARBON CREDIT PRICES TUMBLE, TO FALL MORE Mumbai, 1 December The carbon credit market has fallen again on prospects of an increase in supply. Prices have fallen more than 20 per cent in six weeks and are at a four-month low. 57