Cement, Energy and Environment

are no loopholes in process. About 38 Indian projects were registered in the January - July period this year, against 64 in the corresponding period last year. Courtesy: TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) Newswire, 1-15 November, 2010. P12. CARBON MARKET NEWS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY The COM market is increasingly coming under siege. The Japanese government undermines the COM by embarking on a bilateral offset mechanism outside the UNFCCC framework. But despite all these woes, submission pipeline shows a remarkable resilience. Numbers of the month 50. 8%: Share of issued CERs that origin from HFC-23 projects. Designated Operational Entities: Companies applying to become operational entity: 11 Accredited entities: 32 operation of which 8 from host countries of which 24 from buyer countries of which 32 for verification 9 DOEs have withdrawn. Designated national authorities at: The DNA approval stands China: 2640 projects (+0). India: 1674 projects (+0) Brazil: 246 projects (+3) Vietnam: 128 projects (+0) Thailand : 118 projects (+7), (6 wastewater with O.Smillion CERs per year, 1 biogas with 0.1 million CERs per year) Indonesia: 104 projects (+0) Philippines : 64 projects (+0) Colombia: 54 projects (+0) Peru: 34 projects (+0) Israel: 35 projects (+2) Argentina: 34 projects (+3) . Notified DNAs: 154 (122 host countries, 32 buyer countries) COM counter as of 31 August 2010 Project pipeline Projects currently open for public comments on POD: 123 of which 4 are a PoA Projects and PoAs in the validation phase: 3149 - of which 57 are in the period where a request for review can be launched (incl. 0 PoA) - of which 363 are under completeness check of which for 55 a request for review has been launched of which 31 have to make corrections of which 1 are under going review of which 51 are PoAs of which 139 apply for the Gold Standard. Expected CERs until 2012 from projects at validation: 1019 million of which 81.4 million from those that officially applied for registration and 72.1 million from projects with request for review of which 18.8 million from projects that need to make corrections of which 0.9 million from those undergoing review. Projects that failed during validation: 1094 of which 172 have been rejected by the EB - of which 49 have officially been withdrawn - of which 160 got a negative validation report of which 712 dropped out of validation . Registered Projects and CER Issuance CER estimates until 2012 from projects failed before registration: 491 million - of which 98.2 million from EB- rejected ones - of which 22.6 million from withdrawn ones - of which 74.3 million from validator -rejected ones of which 296 million from projects that dropped out of validation . Registered projects: 2349 - expecting 1849 million CERs by 2012 _ of which 5 are PoAs of which 25 fulfill the Gold Standard _ Host countries: 67 _ Buyer countries: 18. Issue CERs: 430 million Projects with issued CERs: 759 of which 6 Gold Standard projects _ Rejected and not resubmitted requests for issuance: 13 (0.6 million CERs) Withdrawn and not resubmitted requests for issuance: 12 (0.8 million CERs). CER price 7- 7.5 Euro for high quality post-2012 vintages, 7.5- 9 Euro for medium-risk forwards , 9 - 10 Euro for low risk forwards, 10 - 11.5 Euro for registered projects, 56