Cement, Energy and Environment

• • • • • 1~~.r~~~~------~ 900 Figure 6. Comparison of energy costs for ProJet mega® Process filters vs. jetpulse filter with conventional design flow in the raw gas room system; here, the filter and between the filter bags. differential pressure as a New design of the clean gas and raw gas flaps with a robust, pneumatic rotary drive and with minimized flow resistance (CFD optimized) and raw gas flaps that are arranged flush with the wall. lntensiv-Filter design of valve block with integrated diaphragm with a particularly large lift and a straight injector tube inserted for the shortest flow paths. The latest injector technology, either with ideal nozzle or with the lntensiv– Filter Conanqa injector [1] . All online and offline operating modes are implemented in the standard version , e.g. semi-offline with low pressure cleaning , minimum compressed air consumption and maximum bag service life. Cleaning control system using lntensiv-Filter JetBus Controller® and supply pressure regulated control • control variable is maintained constantly as a correcting variable using the continuous control of the tank pressure and so that the required compressed air consumption is reduced to a maximum. At the same time, the load on the filter bags is minimized and their service life increased [1]. Filter bags "made by lntensiv-Filter" in different designs: e.g. ePTFE/glass fibre membrane media or microfibre needle-felts of the ProTex generation with additional advantages in regard of energy efficiency, e.g. ProTex PI and Pro Tex m-Aramid for high– temperature applications [3]. For further details, log on to: www. intenstv-fil (er.com Courtesy: ZKG International, No.9-2010, Pp 38-45. Environmental Improvement BEYOND C0 2 , PLANTS ABSORB MORE POLLUTANTS Manupria Plants soak more atmospheric pollutants than thought. A study by US scientist shows that apart from carbon dioxide, plants rid the air of volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, the most abundant class of carbon-based chemicals in the atmosphere. Automobile exhaust. coal burning and industry are some of the major sources of VOCs that causes respiratory diseases. "In the atmosphere they combine with nitrogen oxides to form organic nitrates, a particulate matter responsible for the haze during 'air pollution ," said Thomas Karl, scientist at the National Centre for Atmospheric Research in USA, who led the study. VOCs also combine with oxygen to form tiny airborne particles called oxy-genated VOCs, which insulate the atmosphere and lead to warming. The process occurs at an optimum rate in thick tropical forests and is the lowest in semiarid shrub, the scientists noted in the October 21 issue of Science Express. The finding provides a platform for better climate models, Karl said. "Initial findings show and money plant significantly reduce indoors," she said . Courtesy: Down to Earth, basil can VOCs November 16-30, 2010 P42. 50 ......