Cement, Energy and Environment

4 ... ~ .... j ' 10 , .. ' 25 I ' lO ' I 40 I ~ i5] 0 • I e Figure 1. Phase assemblage of a CEM I 42,5 R determined by Rietveld refinement the Rietveld analysis of cements which would make it possible to approach the actual phase content as accurately as possible (Figure1 ). In addition to the familiar procedures for Rietveld analysis, specimen treatment and preparation methods were to be taken into account, as well as the refinement strategy. Awareness of the capabilities and limitations of this method was also to be promoted . The first meeting of the workgroup, held in November, 2009, resolved on the formation of subgroups to examine the following topic complexes: - Specimen treatment/ preparation - Instrument parameters - Phase identification - Refinement strategy Courlesy: ZKG International No.l/8-2010, P20. DURABILITY OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES IN SEVERE ENVIRONMENTS OE Gj~rv Norwegian University of Science and Technology -NTNU, Trondheim Extensive experience demonstrates that the durability of concrete structures is not only related to design and material but also to construction issues. Upon completion of new concrete structures, the achieved construction quality always shows a high scatter and variability, and in severe environments, any weaknesses in the concrete structures will soon be revealed whatever specifications and constituent materials have been applied. In order to better take all this variability into account, a probability approach to the durability design should be applied. Such a durability design has already been applied to a number of important concrete structures in many countries, and in the following, current experience with such design is briefly summarized. Since much of the durability problems can be related to poor quality control as well as special problems during concrete construction, the issue of construction quality and variability must be firmly grasped before any rational approach to a more controlled durability can be achieved . For important concrete structures , therefore, a performance-based concrete quality control during concrete construction with documentation of achieved construction quality and compliance with specified durability should be carried out, a brief outline of which is also given in the present paper. When the concrete structure is completed , the owner should further be provided with a proper service manual for the future operation of the given structure. It is only such a service manual for regular condition assessment and preventive maintenance which provides the ultimate basis for achieving a more controlled durability and service life of the concrete structure. For details, see Indian Cement Review, October 2010, Pp 12-25. Courtesy: Indian Cement Review, October 2010, P12. Plant & Machinery 11,000 TPD KILN FOR CONG THANH CEMENT Ho Chi Minh CityNietnam The Gong Thanh Cement Joint Stock Company of Vietnam has contracted Polysius to construct a new 11,000 tpd kiln line at their cement factory in the province of Thanh Hoa in Northern Vietnam. 39