Cement, Energy and Environment

::· ' · '"li,.,~- ,, .1- .·,.,.. re - .~ ... ~ ... ~ .. ~ t;.-,.~.l ~ ;. -. ~·.~ 1 _. "t"'~# ·1a : I - : : 1C . ··8 ~c. .agee -.8 T ._; ,• ~ od ,; aO•)i.; op .ntzauon ·· ==- ~8 ~ 3i1C..: \lf \ 6 4 ·_e·· ~ -'3~ · ·:;dt"S q\...- .J~~ l'l ... , :r (.~ ~ l.ral an,) r- !_t.~OG Nt""re~e ~ s33 t- i aJ;v .:!CP·)I,:·ea Ger-e-:::: r 'a'lager J ":"C:=.r., .. 6. ~,Lhniso:.. 1 Set· ·e =. ope Africa. f 11 ~-:8 1tre WZIS · c·hP.!ntb of Nes:e1 n Eu'"ore. :.lA l.J K F ranee Spa!'; taly ! rtC·' .:;c·u off Sub-Sah;o~ra 1 ~-<•rica Just as · v 'rrived bc1c < i'l france Laf·'> ~P acq Ji. ed ~,)rascon. Que nener coP.inues. "\N~ coked ac ain 3l t1e geogmph ca repartiticr of c:'l the plants ana •he eve! o· de' _!opment. As a result o• our s1u ly, ...:c fc1t ;· more efficient to have ope 1echn1ca! centre based in Cairo fer nl1 Atnca an;:: ti-Je Midd!e E<:>st. GiO~e bv :; 2P S that SEf'/8 rrar·<ets wi !"" [~~~ :)al"ll"' c~,a-actenst1cs/needs .,..r·~ flc811S \oOL are .::w"'etina vc U!"le a.... •vorking WI n f.'lan:s that ~ <:~ve a strong need for '1-te OA 'elopment ot oeople , so we .~ave addressed this oy rell'lforclllg the1 r resources " Techmcai assistance In ::-..Jrope there are two locations. one m Lyon ana one in Vienna. "When you look at Europe , you come to the same conclusions," says Quemener. "The Challenges of the Plants are the same . For example, you can compare Poland with Spain, or the UK with Romania , but more and more they are facing the same environment and similar issues. We considered it more interesting to combine these two technical centres and create one Europe Technical Centre. So it could be argued, why have two locations of the same centre? There are two fi1g·,ts .·: 1: .,.,.,,nqparn ,s ser,:n 1 :.2sor .s ·,a·, ~o have -l ~o .. 'd ·ec~. a .. e ·' -,, yo. ,,,~;:;·~ gOi'ld l-xperts c. ~xoe;ts V1 ·:;: V81S 0 d ir. qu~I;T I ccr 'rd. ~YGC ~ss CC'ntro ..=111 ' !fl ma·,..1ter a.,cs lr bo .. l lo"at '"!':. ve l't:.V<:: sxc~=:l 8 -:c exrerts ;· SO cS not to 1:--~.: such B,<08ri :A" b r:av1ng on 1\ one ·r.a! two '",.le · w_ .Gctded on ihe Quemencr manage; ~C'ih 10, .1lians, shar111g his itrr-e ber ,eer tJ(;lh . T1 avellir.s belwee:-1 the IVC centres is easy ;:;s iherE' r11·e direct flight., betw~e1, the 1wc cttiE:s liP x.no· Ns the people r the V·err;a Certre very well having -::ocnt three years :rere be!ore mov•ng ""· Poland. Quer.e11er emphasizes ha· trP rechn'cal J,:wel r)i expert1se 1'1 both :e•1tre:3 .s veiy high. -1e 1::1ea ot a Tec11n1ca1 Centre is not new and 111 fact l.af <:~rg e s first one. CTI was cn~a1ed ZO vears ago 1n Lvon . Today, as prev1ous1y ment1onea , the people in the ETC need to work closely w1th the plants for two reasons. "First, we do not want the plants to be overstaffed," says Quemener. "For the normal day-to-day running of the plant the operatives have to manage it by themselves, but if a specific issue arises then we prefer finding solutions to help them. For example, each time we develop a new cement we can use our experience, often based on what we have done in another country, to help them produce it. Secondly, we want to '""' ;ut'S•,j e r -3S ,., ~ '6· : c;liorm !: ~t."OrfTl -~ere rneans le!laOIIi!V Of ··= ' .o,-ne, , ;:-.. 10 :nsl ''2' mgs, ~ 10 )ve .:;,·e :;oendtng c; ~ Jt of "Tle ,n :~e'1C·1rTJa(~l!lg so 1'18 l ·Ne , · :c ng ·=:.· ·~ ~ 1ur..; .. ,:;;: iV :: :moanson .;etween -:; .:l arr ·– .-L.S na .;'lat ''as . r:>n; ~ooa n •...:·,, ~:. ::: ".3 r: at.ve :pa ,.. • i· !led t.,c ;:; 8'11 r. AL.Sfle .ha. was very ::JCC i ·,.., !JSJng e 1 :cnu.:ve .uels ::;tar~ ~g :·o usc •hem. eom ·rc111 S'Jaw JiS't·:d ths plant in Ausl'!co for ~evt:'a d2 "" '::: learn - b•.. l.t th·;, teC~~·~a 1 r: l I~ nlS ar.c 10~, .. t~ev ,~au 5o1ved them, qfte· .. ,,,ich t'"'C tmp CJ\IP.!Tl"r>t in 1:·1e 3pa; ,•sh r-'1i.-1t 'N8~ quite v··,p 8SSIVe. As wei as tne Centes in Jien:-ta, L: on C<1iro, tr~era is Ccrporat.:: Technicf!i Service ·,CTS' ir Mor m:,J and Aiianta, :11 n;cr. san·e the Nnencas and /\sian r >=>chnical L.·~ntre located ill r•'~a ·i~e P1es8 ensure that e·,perts from t .::.r...h'lical decartments, process "'ngineers a;:d those iilvolved witn tra !nJng r.ar communicate 1egularly ana keep in contact. r"Jhiliope Quemener points out that although training generally takes place in these centres, some tra!ll1ng is earned out on site within cement plants. Some operatives come to the centres for coaching, and that can last for anything between six and 12 months. Here they have the opportunity to increase their network contacts so that they know who to call when problems arise. Coaching Ill the centre is by experts who have gained much experience themselves through working in cement plants. One of the most important topics involves refractory management. As Quemener says, "Refractories require 24-hour supervision, 10