Cement, Energy and Environment

seNatlon by Pond Ash Drying Fly ash Drying Plants from Transparent Technologies Pvt. Ltd. WosteHeat From Oinket (Option2} Hot All Genetator (Option 1) ~- fll'r\ ~- --~t"'- ~ "'"~~,. "i.':r,.-'•'~-f\/.11~; ;..~ J{. i~ . .,, "£;. Air Bleeder • Copooity 20 TPH to 100TPH. • fu11y CWMOOtic plM!. I Output &houst I Cyclone Cum Bog filter • Pctemed t~y for retioble c_$h ~end~ng §YStem. • SuJt~ lor *l~ \lileoJ &ml'tWtlo.n from d~ c.ooler. • Coo1 fjfed ~ olr genercfof o\so offered 4$ optlooo1 occesSOfY, • Coi:Wtent ~-mo10 for reo.sono.b&e ~in heol :100rce ond w.t cnh poronlfJten. • Some pJont c.on ~ odopted for Grp.wm or q dlying. Tial_.dtec:b'JtJ_,M~. PuJhpa~.BibwmdCoow. Poot·<f11 O'.f7 (&Ida) Ttl.. Mt.; +9140-24210960 . ftl.. .;fli1·20-24Z125'33 ~~Jo. loi~o.m WArll: wwwjJpUo.kl ·- 8