Cement, Energy and Environment

• Income Tax Rules 2010 (4lh Edn. by Taxman) • Master Guide to Income Tax Act with commentary on Finance Act 2010 (2dh Edn - Koshi George) • Master Guide to Income Tax Rules -A Rule-wise commentary on Income Tax Rules 2010 (Taxman) • Directory of Parliamentarian and Ministers, MPs & Parliamentary Committees (Mo/8) • Direct Taxes Code with Revised Discussion Paper- June 2010 (Taxman) • Company Information Products & Services- A Business Directory 2010 (Kompass) • Indian Infrastructure - Roads & Bridges Directory and Year Book 2010 (liP) • Directory of FIMI Members- As on September 2009 (FIMI) • Understanding Carbon Credits (By Gurmit Singh) • Directory of Central Govt. Officials - 2010 (0/B) • Directory of Press & Media -2010-11 (0/B) • Survey of the Environment 201 0 (The Hindu) • Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14- Updated as on 23rd August 2010 (MoC&I) • Handbook of Procedure 2009-14- Updated as on 23rd August 2010 (MoC&I) ·• · Foreign Trade Policy- DEBP Ready Reckoner (Law, Procedure & Rates) 2009-14 (1flh Edn-R.K. Jain- 2010) • lTC (HS) Classifications of Export & Import Items (with Customs Tariff, Rates & Exemptions) 2009-14 (1ffh Edn-R.K. Jain- 2010) • lTC (HS) Classifications of Export & Import Items (with Anti-dumping , Safeguard & Additional Duties and Customs General Exemptions) 2009-14 (15 1 hEdn-R.K. Jain- 2010) • Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 -Input-Output Norms [Duty Exemptions Scheme] (R.K. Jain- 2010) . : Survey of Cement Industry & Directory 2010 (Z'd Edn. by Jai P Agarwal) •· Annual Reports of Various Ministries for 2009- 2010 (Ministry of Finance, Water Resources, Corporate Affairs, Rural Developments, Steel, Environment & Forest, Road Transport & Highways, Mines, Power, Coal , New and Renewable Energy, Housing & Urban Alleviation, Deptt. of Commerce, Deptt. of Industrial Policy and Promotion) 100 -"""