Cement, Energy and Environment

S.No. Event Venue Organizer/Contact Date Focus Area 2 . World Renewable Energy Abu Dhabi, United Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates September - Congress XI and Exhibition Arab Emirates Tel: 44 1273 62 56 43 25-30, 2010 Fax: 44 1273 625768 E-mail: asa' (fgh@netcomuk.co.uk URL: www.wrenuk.co.uklwrecxi.html 3. 16 1 h Arab International RAK Exhibition Conference Secretariat December - Cement Conference and Centre Arab Union for Cement and Building Materials 6-8, 2010 Exhibition Ras AI Khaimah, (AUCBM) UAE Eng. Ahmad AI-Rousan, Secretary General Tel: +963 11 6115412 - 6118598. Fax:6121731 E-Mail: aucbm@scs-net.org Web: htte.:l /www.aucbm.org 4 . Cemtech Middle East & Cairo Coference Coordinator David Hargreaves February • Industry expertise, technical advances Africa: (Email: info@Cemtech.coml 19th-22"d 2011 . and regional market insight Markets & Technology: Old Kings Head Court, • The imperative of reducing the C0 2 15 High Street, Dorking, Surrey, associated with cement manufacture RH4 1AR, United Kingdom • The Clean Development Mechanism Tel:+44(0) 1306 740660 and Certified Emission Reductions. Tel: +44(0) 1306 740363 /740383 Email: info@CemNet.com Website: www.CemNet.com 5. 1 ih China International Beijing Exhibition China Cement Association April14-16, 2011 - Cement Industry Exhibition Centre Tel :+86 10 8837 5528 , 8837 7477 2011, China International Fax: +86 10 8837 5528 Cement Conference E-mail : info@cementtech.org Web-site: www.cementtech. org 98