Cement, Energy and Environment

I I S.No. Event Venue 13. Construction & Mining Science City Exhibition & Conference Complex, Calcutta Abroad 1. CONGRESS Montego Bay- FICEM-APCAC JAMAICA The Cement Industry and Sustainability 1 I Organizer/Contact Rajarshi Chatterjee, Busines Associate, BEACON 2012, Tel: +91-98300 60814; E-mail: chatterieeraiarshi@ 'i.ahoo.com Event organized by ABP Pvt ltd, 6 Prafulla Sarkar Street, Calcutta- 700 001. Ph: 91-33-2260 0444/445/291, 2234 5374; Fax: 91-33-2225 8002; E-mail: beacon@abe..in www. congresotecnico2010. com - f...,.- -. \ \ I Date Focus Area March 01-05, • Equipment 2012 Material • • Design September 6, Sustainability Segment: 2010. • Climate change world scenario: regional and global political context • Approach towards sustainable construction (use of cement and concrete and reduction of energy consumption) • Industry's global vision and trends • "Cement Technology Roadmap" developed by the Cement Sustainability Initiative, leading program of the WBCSD. Technical Segment: • Occupational health and safety • Co-processing and Alternative Fuels • Carbon Capture and Storage • Biodiversity and quarry restoration • Emissions, disposal and residues • The plant of the future: sustainable technology, costs and profits • Sustainable management. 97