Cement, Energy and Environment

Event Venue India 1. GREEN ENERGY WORLD Chennai EXPO 2010 2. Delhi International Expo Centre -Expo Renewable Energy XXI National Capital Conference Region of Delhi. 3. Transmission Distribution India Habitat Centre & Metering India Lodhi Road, (Enabling Smart Grid & New Delhi-110003 Smart Metering) CALENDAR OF EVENTS Organizer/Contact E-mail: daisy@gsnaworldwide.com URL: www.gsnaworldwide.com URL: www.direc201 O.gov. in C. V.J. Varma President Council of Power Utilities A-2/158, Janakpuri , New Delhi - 11 0058 Tel : 91-11 45652708, 65455626 Fax: 91-1125611622 Email: cvjv1933@yahoo.com Email: cvjvarma@gmail.com Date October 14-16, 2010 October 27-29, 2010 November 10-11, 2010 ... Focus Area • Technology Up-gradation of Transmission & Distribution • Policy & regulatory changes for Smart Grid • Renewable Energy sources Linking alternative energy sources to the central network systems as a supplementary sources of power • Integrating power widely dispersed alternative sources into the grid . • Grid Maintenance- Increasing the life cycle of existing grids to avoid high replacement costs of new systems • Smart Meters-Energy Data on consumption via Intelligent systems to cover energy needs • Developments to Improve Grid Connectivity, Capacity & Efficiency. • Achieving Maximum power efficiency through modern, automated technology • Tariff Flexibility depending on demand and peak time flow power Demand Side Management-financial efficiency and environmental benefits • Generation Portfolio-Effectively responding to the increasing use of non-traditional power generation such as renewable resources and distributed generation • Infrastructure Investment-Fi nancing in the infrastructure system for future power needs. 94