Cement Energy and Environment

rAssured of a stable & functional Government' N. SRINIVASAN N. Srinivasan, Vice-Chairman andManaging Director. domestic factors such as widening current account deficit, high inflation, high interest cost, policy paralysis or logjam, stalled projects and series of scams. I would say all these adverse developments had crippled business confidence and investment activity. Naturally, following the landslide victory by NDA and Mr. Narendra Modi taking over Prime Minister, there were expectations of radical change for improvement by his Government. At the outset, I would like to congratulate Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi and his NDA Government on completing one year in office. Before NDA Government was swept to power with a decisive mandate in the Lok Sabha poll in 2014, the country faced enormous problems. There was a setback to our growth, caused by external issues like slowdown in the world economy and ONE YEAR liN Of'f .ICE I would say considering the kind of serious problems the country had faced then, it would be difficult for anyone to turnaround the ship overnight. It is only fair to give the Government some more time before its performance is judged objectively. Having said that, I would say we are assured of a stable and functiona l Government. I would like to appreciate the problem solving approach of the Prime Minister. The PM is heading in t he right direction to provide a good and responsible governance. He is trying to bring about transparency in decision making and administration. He has inf used confi dence in the minds of officials while making the bureaucracy accountable. In the last one year, outlook for our economy has improved and we reasonably insulated from 'external shocks'. By undertaking a whirl wind tour to several countries, largely aimed at improving our diplomatic and bilateral relations, the PM has totally changed the perception of world in favour of India. I can say no one would have marketed so aggressively 'Brand India' like Mr. Modi.