Cement Energy and Environment
S.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. List and Addresses of Journals Referred in this issue of 'Cement, Energy and Environment' Name of the Journal Down to Earth Renewable Energy - Industrial Cogeneration India - Akshay Urja Infralive Cementa Ve Beton Dunyasi - - ZKG INTERNATIONAL --- --- - ----.-- --- --- ---- Addr ess Tel/Fax/Mob E-mail Society for Environmental +91 11 29955124, pranay@cseindia.org Communications, 29956394,29956110/ titutional Area, 41, Tughlakabad Ins +91-11 29955879 New Delhi -11 0062, - Ministry of New and Renewable +91 11 2436 3035 , 2436 0707; akshayurja@nic.in Energy +91 11 2436 3035, 2436 2288 Block-14, CGO Co mplex, Fax: +91-11-24361298 Lodhi Road,New Delhi-110 003, India. ---- Live Media & Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Delhi House, ad, 1004 & 1005, New 27 Barakhamba Ro New Delhi - 110 00 1 -- - Tepe Prime A Blok Kat:18-19 u Eski~ehir Devlet Yol (Dumlupmar Bulvan) 9.km ara No: 266 06800 Ank !---· Bauverlag BV Gmb H 55 Avenwedder StraBe Postfach 120/PO B OX 120 33311 Gutersloh Deutschland/ Germany - - ----- Tel: +91 11 23318888 Fax: +91 11 23768888 Tel: +90 (312) 444 50 57 Fax: (+90 (312) 265 09 06-05 +49(0) 524180-89 279 feedback@ infralive.com info@tcma.orq.tr thomas.weyer@bauverlag.de Website www.cseindia.org www.mnre.gov.in www.infralive.com www.tcma.org.tr www.zkq-online.info 59
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