Cement Energy and Environment

REGD. NO. D. L.-33004/99 t:he <5a:-tette of ..3Jndia \..._. . li. 294) No.l94J ~ii(Gi EXTRAORDINARY 'IJT'T II~~-~ (U) PART II-Seclfon 3-sub-s"tic.n (U} vrfWm ~ \ICi\IFfln PUBLISHEDBY AUTHORITY ~w.~.~6, -lo1s!lmr 11, 19U. NEWDELHI, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2015/MAGHA 17, 1936 MINlSTRYOF ENVIRONMENT, FO~TS AND CLIMATE CHANGE NOTJ]'ICATION New Delhi, the 3rd February, 2015 S.O. 38.l(E).-Whereas, a dr~ notifi~ation under sub-rule (3) of Rule 5 of the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 for making certain amendments in the Environm~t Impact Asses~t Notification. 2006, issued·vide number S 0. 1533(E), dated ~e 14 111 September; 2006, was published m the Gazette of India, Extnlordinary, Part U. Section 3," sub-section (ii) vide nwnbel S.O. 2545(E), dated the 30 111 September, ~014 inviting objeetions and suggestiol'IS from all pel'SOO.S likely to be affected thereby within a period ofsixty days from the date on which copies ofGazette oot;twning the said notification were made avajJable to the public; And whereas, copies of the said notification were made available to the p~lic on-30th Scptemi:l~r, 2014; And where~, no objections and suggestions received in response to the above mentioned.drafl. . . . notiticatiou by tbc Ce.ntral Government; 5?