Cement Energy and Environment

Power to remo\'e dtffi::ulties. Repeal and savmgs. 12 THE GAZETTE OF Il\TIIA EXTRAORDIN.-\RY [PART II- S.EC . 1] ··THE FDUR1H SC'HEDUl.E [Sa cl:mse f cal of section ~J X oti.fied M.int'rals 1. B:nt xi te 2. 1ronore. 1 Lime-stone. -l. Mangane5l' ore ··. 2~. (}) If any difficulty arises in gi\ ing effect to the plU\ i.sions of the :Mines and ~·fint"rals tDl'\'elopment and Regulation) Amendment Act. 2015. thf' Cmtral Govl'lll1llel1t may. by order. publtsht'd in the Official Gazette. make surll pro\ i stom not inconsistent \\lth the prD\isions of the said Act. ilS appl'ar to it to be necessary or l'Xpedient for t-emo\ing the difficulty: Prm ided that no surh orde-r shall be made under this section after the expiry of il period of two years from the cotllffif'ncenll'llt of the said .-\ct. (.2) E ''e!)' orde-r made under this section shall tx laid. as soon as mily be after it ismade. before each House of Parliatlll'llt. 25. (1) The .!Vlines andMinerals (De\ -elopnll'llt andRegulation)AmendmentOrdinance. Ord. 3 of 20l : 'i.is herebyrepealed. 2015 . t.2) )lotwithstandmg such repeal. an)illi:ng done or any action taken under tltf' principal Act. as atnended by the said Ordinance. shall be deemed to have been done or taken tmdl'r the corresponding prD\isions of the principal Act. as an1rnded by this Act. DR. SANJAYSINGH Secretary ro rhc Govr. of India. PR.DllED BY THE GENERAl MANAGER. GOVERNMDIT OF INDIA PRESS, J.l.lll'-'TO ROAD. NEW DELID .~'D PUBLISHED BY THE CO:: -ITROLL.ER OF PUBUCATIOJ\'S. DELID-:!015. GMGIPMRND--5604GI(S3r27~2015. 47