Cement Energy and Environment

~of 1Q7-l. SEC. 1] THE GAZETTE OF 1::--.TIL..\ EXTR.AORDII\ARY 11 Ln An" mle madt" under any pro'ision of tllis Art nuy pro,·tdt" U1::tt ::tny contrawntiOJ~ rht"reof shall be punishable with iruprisorunt"nt for ::t tmn wllicll may extend to two yt"morwirh fine whichmay extend to fivt" lakllmpt"t"s. or\\itll both. :md in the case of a continuing conu·:wention. \\ith additional fine \l.'hich may t"xtend to fifty thousand mpees for evel)' day dming which snell contra,·ention continues after conviction for tilt" first such contra\·t"ntion_.. . 20. For st"rtion 30 of tilt" principal Act. tilt" following section shall be substiruted. namely:- "30. The Central Govt"mmetlt may. of its own motion or on ::Ul appllCation 111.1de v.ithi.n me prescribed time by ::u1 aggrieved party. - (a) re\'ise ::u1y order n1.1de by a State Govm1ment or otltn· aut11011ty in exerrise of tile pown-s conferred on it by or under this Art witll respt"ct to any mineral other tl1::u1 aminor mineral: or (b) where no such order has been made b.· tilt" State Go\·etnmem or otht"r autllOl.ity in exercise of the powm conferred on it by 01· under tlus Act \\1tlt respect to ::u1y mineral otllf."r th::lll a minor mit1et"al within t1lf." tinlf." prescnbed tllf."ref01·. pass such 01"der as it may tllink fit ::u1d appropriate in the circumstances PrO\ided that in cases CO\'t"red by clause lbl t11e Central Go,·emment shall. before passing any 01"der under tltis clause-. gi\·e an oppornutiry of bring he-ard 01· to reptl"sent in tltr matter_ .._ 21. After section 30A of the principal Act. the following sections shall be inserted. namely:- "30B. ll 1 The State Governmettt may. for the purposes of)JlD\lding speedy tnal of offences for cootrave-ntion of t11e prO\i sions of sub-seruon ( 11 or :.ub-section t IA) of section -t c011stirure. by notification. as many Special Courrs :~s may be necessary for such ::u-ea or areas. as may be specified in the notification. (.! J ASpecial CmU1 shall consist of a Judge who shall be :~ppoimed by tlte State Gowrnment \\ith the concunenre of tlte High Cmut. ( 3 J Aperson shall not be qualified for appointment as ajudge of a SpemJ Conn unless he is or has been a District and Sess1011S Judge. ( -1 J Anypet-son aggiie,·ed by the order of t11e Special Court may )Jll"fer :'Ill appeal to the High Com1 \\itlun a pniod of sixty days from tlte cl1te of such order 30C. Sa\l" as otherwise pro\ided in tlus Act. thr Code of Cnmmal Pmcedure. 1Q73 . shall apply to t11e proceed.mgs bef01l" t11e Speri:1l Conrr :tnd fOl.' tl1e purpo~e of the pro'i sions of thisAct. tlte Special Com1 shall be ckemt"d to be 3 Courr of Sess101l ::llld shall ha\l" all pm' l"1'S of 3 CmU1 of Session ::u1d tilt" pet-son condtu::ting apro:.rruuon before the Special Cotu1 shall be deemed to be a public prosecut01·." 12 . In the principal Act. in the First Schedule. for the figlUl"S and br::tckets "Stl ,.._ the figures. brac~ts.lettm and word "3(1). SAil). lDA.lOB(lJ. lOCI 11. lltn llB.llC. l2Ail J. ::Uld 17 A!.?A ( shall be substiruted. 23. In the principal Act. after the Titird Scltt"dule. the follO\\ing Schedule shall be rnserted. namely:- Substinmon of new section for section 30 Power of re\'15101\ by Central Go\'ernment lmertlon of nev: ~uons 30B J.nd ~DC. Con~t1ru11on of S~tal Coum Spec-1 .11 C cum ro haq~ powers of Cou:1 of Amendmen r of Fus• Sch..oo.dule lmert1on of a oew Schedule 46 f